This project exists since 1991. In this year I learned my first instrument, but I also had a lil keyboard and played with it.
When I was 11 I got a real keyboard and tried to copy some favorite songs.
This was the time I was forced to use chords, but I didn't knew how they're called.
Later I was tought to improvize and my skill to compose rised.
I also learned then to use different chords in a special order.
In 2001 I began to produce techno songs. 3 are finished and several others are stil in progress.
When I was 20 I composed and produced my first song called "you know...".
This song isn't on this profile because it had only one purpose. It was for a girl *g*.
After that I learned a new instrument. E-Guitar.
Then I composed harder songs in metal-style.
Now I produce for me and other several people I know.
So check out my songs on this pro ;)