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Jennie Paul

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Jennie Paul - J Paul Photography

I had not planned on becoming a photographer while growing up but when I met my husband and had our child I discovered the power of documenting life.I think there is a deep psychological element to photography that appeals to me. I especially love photographing babies and toddlers. Time passes so quickly and they grow so fast. Pretty soon it's hard to remember the chubby little legs, dimples on their faces or the way they would giggle at the silly faces made. Whenever I pull out the photographs of that precious time I'm instantly connected with the wonderful memories of my son's successes. I hope to help others capture those tiny moments of their child's life that soon become hard to remember.My other ambition is PIN UP photography.. I've done a lot of Hollywood Glamour Photography - Photo de Charme as the french may say - and I absolutely love making beautiful pictures.I grew up in Ottawa, Canada. Spending most of my time nurturing friendships and learning life lessons. Educated myself at Algonquin College and the University of British Columbia.I am constantly adding to my portfolio on my website at J Paul Photography
..Contact Tables a

My Interests

Photography, photo artistry, global issues and local politics. Music of course makes the world go round... but not as much lately since my husband dismantled my stereo saying I make the whole neighbourhood shake - I think I remember my parents saying something like that!. Have to settle for the MP3 and headset....


Growing up... Led Zepplin,Janis Joplin,Bob Seger,Fleetwood Mac,Cat Stevens,Rod Stewart, Supertramp, Rush, Headpins, Minglewood,Bay City Rollers (my mom even made me an outfit and they were my first concert I think I was 7), Barbara Streisand Butterfly, Bob Marley, Aerosmith, Joe Cocker, ACDC,of course the Tragically Hip...I even listened to Bruce Willis LOLNow.. I still love and listen to all the above but I've added some Jazz... Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra, Harry Connick Jr.,New Rock Soul and Rap Ereka Badu, Kid Rock, Eminem, Everlast,Local Bands and upcoming sensations....


NFL, My Name is Earl, Two and a Half Men, Past Lives, Through the Lens, Dancing with the Stars but only when Emmit was dancing... he's so cute, Kings of Prosperity,


Life of Pi, The Secret Agent, Winnie the Pooh, Madame Bovary, Stewart Mclean - the Vinyl Cafe series...makes me giggle so I can't read them before bed. The Haunted Mesa from Louis L'Amour, Most of Anne Rice


Wonder Woman, John Elway, Oprah Winfrey an odd combination I know.... my mom, Jackie Chan, Bono, Lowell Green, My aunt Diane,

My Blog

She Died

She finally lost her battle with the cancerHer mother finally came to see her after months wasted of being afraidHer partner finally admitted his lost and cried openly
Posted by Jennie Paul on Thu, 03 May 2007 08:52:00 PST

Awaiting Spring

With spring comes a whole new outlook, a whole new way of seeing.  I'm awaiting springI can feel itI can smell it as I walk out my door,it's  right there, on the edge.  I think it wants...
Posted by Jennie Paul on Tue, 20 Mar 2007 10:05:00 PST

Life after the Post Season

Much to my brother-in-law's dismay the Colts won.... Great first half.  Fantastic first 14 seconds! Wow.Now that football season is over I will probably bore the masses with my photography news a...
Posted by Jennie Paul on Mon, 05 Feb 2007 02:02:00 PST

The Dance - Game Day at Dolphin Stadium

I still think that the Colts will come out victorious, but they need to keep the Bears from rattling Mannings cage too much.  If the Bears can manage to keep the Colt's Offense off the field they...
Posted by Jennie Paul on Sun, 04 Feb 2007 12:28:00 PST

This is why I don't Gamble

    Once again I spent the day watching football.... and once again I confirmed why I don't gamble.I along with 46% of the voters on underestimated the Chigaco Bears.  So I...
Posted by Jennie Paul on Mon, 22 Jan 2007 06:42:00 PST

Today ..... and what's gone on

    Today I worked on some personal pictures of my favorite aunt who is dying of cancer.  I almost never let myself be photographed but Christmas Day I couldn't help feeling that I...
Posted by Jennie Paul on Sun, 21 Jan 2007 02:04:00 PST