My one and only man. The one I want to wake up next to every morning, the one who will get a puppy just for me, the one whose computer I damage every time I use it, the one who doesnt mind giving me a nice warm cuddle session when I'm cold even if he is boiling hot, the one who has my complete opposite taste in food and he'll go to a crappy restaurant just so that I could have sushi, the one who doesnt push me away when I take all the bed for myself, the one who will eventually clean poopyfied diapers (even if he says he wont). Yeah, that's the Mr Cheyne. I like him.
I also like video games, TV, Movies, Music, Coffee, sweets, and a bunch of other crapp that's bad for the body but good for the soul.
adopt your own virtual pet!
Kingdom Hearts
ZELDA!!!!SEPHIROTH!!!(dun dun dun) SEPHIROTH!!! (dun dun dun dun dun!!)
Who would I like to meet? I'd really like to meet Scott Weiland, I know he's a very creepy drugy, but he's still big in my eyes... I like his voice. I'd also like to meet people who wouldnt mind an engaging conversation on various topics, for example why organic food isnt really that great, why people rather get rid of "terrorists" than unwanted fetuses, and why ninjas are better than pirates.
And also, a very important person in my life... One of the best friends anybody could ever ask for, that's Retesh. He lives halfways across the globe. I can give you directions too!! First you go to the airport in Reno, then you fly all the way across the US and land in NY, then you wait for another airplane thats a lot bigger that will fly over the big puddle we know as "Atlantic Ocean" and land in this little pretty island called England, more specifically in London...... And the you shout Rets' name as loud as you can hoping he can hear you and guide you from there :DThis is so me with Cheyne's poofy blankieLook ALE!!! Remember that a loooooooong time ago I told you that I always wanted a pet fish named "Zobaco"?? Well, look!!! my dearest wish has come true!!!!!!!!! I have a fish named ZOBACO!!!!!!!!!
adopt your own virtual pet!
COLDPLAY!! Punk, Metal, Rock, and all the stuff that comes with it. I like what once was called "alternative music" Like I said, no stupid pop rock boy bands. I like STP.... A lot... and The Offspring... I like Tool, The used (only godo band that plays that stupid music, I cant help it) RHCP, and that band Pushbox (that girl kicks booty). I like Sting too, just to say a few.
Interview with the Vampire, Matrix, The Triplettes of Belleville, The Animatrix, Advent Childern of course, The princess bride, STAR WARS, Findind Nemo, Princess Mononoke (and just about any Miyazaki movie). I'll think of some more.
FUTURAMA!!!!! Charmed, Friends, some of the crazy little pathetic mtv shows, Cowboy Bebop, Evangelion, Trinity Blood, Basilisk, What not to wear (I love Stacy and Clinton), NIP/TUCK, Grey's Anatomy (ohhhh McDreamy) I also love commercials.BOBO!!!!!!!! .. width="425" height="350" ..
More like authors....C.S. Lewis, Anne Rice, Oscar Wilde, Plato, and all the other greek guys, Harry Potter!!, I like "The 13 and a half lives of captain Blue Bear" by what's-his-face. And oh, Im very much into reading biology textbooks (and Time Magazine, and Cosmo of course, but theyre not books)
Does a HOT cartoon count? Spike.....aaaaaah...guns+messy hair+slender body+coolness+suit+money+martial arts= hottest entity n earth. hee hee. Hey Look!!!! It's Link!!!! *song comes to mind* "LINK!! Has come to town, Come to SAVE!!! the princess Zelda... dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun HALLELUJAH!!!!!!"