Toyé T. BeGbaaji® profile picture

Toyé T. BeGbaaji®

About Me

I play bass. And keyboards and guitar. Available for worthwhile gigs that require a bassist to breath life into original material. Preferably jazz, but I'd rather play orginal bluesgrass than play anymore jazz standards!I'm not actually a band although I do hear enough voices in my head to put something together. When I do operate as a band we're called Tin Can Island (named after a shipping port in Lagos, Nigeria).Currently alive and kicking in Indianapolis, Indiana. Indy is by no means a hotbed of musical activity. Can and will do long distance sessions. I have a cozy little home studio that sees as much action as the "geeky kid with the Babylon 5 t-shirt". Drop me an email if you like what you hear on these demo's and can hear that kind of vibe on your project ([email protected])Born May 16, 1968... Full name: Olutoye Temidayo BeGbaaji (pronounce as you see fit)... Started playing bass at the ripe old age of 16... Attended Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria... Yes, I do have a day job as IT Manager for a magazine and I'm also a consultant. I like technology but what separates me from the geeks is the fact that I don't love it for the sake of it. It's a tool and to paraphrase the attorney from the movie Office Space, " either you kick it's ass the first day or become it's bitch".Other than music my other passions are (notice I didn't say "include"; I choose my words carefully) cycling, writing and golf. I got back into cycling in 2004 and I can't get enough of it. So far I've only been able to max 60 miles a day but 2008 promises to be "The Year Of The Century" for me (is there anything sadder than a pun not gotten?). I ride both a mountain and a road bike but the road bike gets most of the attention. It's been hard finding cycling partners (nobody seems to want to go the distance which, I'll go ahead and point out, is another great pun!) but this year I'll muster up the courage to go on some of those organized rides with strangers.I want to retire to writing, kind of like Art Buchwald. I am yet to get anything published but watch this space. Why do I want to write? Because I am intrigued by what I see in life and how the dots connect and I think my perspective is worth sharing. I think some of my ideas will go along way towards bettering mankind so sitting on them would be a shame. It sounds a little arrogant but I'd rather tip the scales on self-confidence than be lacking. Remember, once a person or organization or ideology is able to erode your self-confidence, you're putty. That's not so bad when the person, organization or ideology is one of "good conscience" but too often that is not the case. Anyway, I write bits on politics and religion from time to time but I do not ever want to be branded in either category. I want to eventually write motivational books. I was greatly helped by some motivational titles when I was around the critical age of 21 so I see their value. I'm also working on script ideas for a TV sitcom and a book of short stories.Golf? The great thing about golf is that you don't have to be good at it to love it. I intend to be good at it soon though. I have long acknowledged that any shortcomings I have in golf are entirely my own fault because I have not driven myself (Hey! Another solid pun!) to devote the time and attention demanded of me by this unforgiving mistress.

My Interests


Member Since: 15/01/2007
Band Website:
Band Members:
Influences: Pat Metheny & The Pat Metheny Group, Marcus Miller, John Patitucci, Richard Bona, Earl Klugh, David Sanborn, Dave Grusin, Bela Fleck & The Flecktones, Spyrogyra, Nathan East, Mark King, Level 42, Sounds Of Los Angeles Records (S.O.L.A.R), Grover Washington Jr., Abraham Laboriel, Nelson RangellHere is a clip of my fav song/video. Check out the bass solo by Richard Bona at 4:50!
Sounds Like: You tell me! I'd rather not set myself up!But since you bring it up, I do hope that I'm finally at a point as a musician where I my musical influences do not jump to the forefront enough for me to sound like anybody's clone, but just enough to pay homage where it is due.I grew up watching Top Of The Pops and witnessed some of the prominent acts of the U.K. 70's; in my teenage years I became obsessed with Don Cornelius' Soul Train and the great Dick Griffey institution known as SOLAR Records (which may have been what switched my allegiance from the guitar to the bass, thanks to Leon F. Sylvers III); in high school "peer pressure" nudged me towards contemporary jazz, particularly the GRP revolution; the Indianapolis jazz scene "forced me" to learn old school jazz and bebop. In recent years however, I have found myself driven by the after effects of probably the most sub-conscious and subtle influence of them all: the Nigerian drum rhythms I heard constantly during my thirteen years living there. The irony of the fact that it took the music of the likes of Pat Metheny, John Patitucci and Sting to appreciate the use of ethnic idioms in western contexts is not lost on me.
Record Label: Unsigned

My Blog

Man Made God In His Image...

There. I said it.   Think about it. Every flaw we see in man is evident in God: jealousy, self-centeredness, vindictiveness, cold-heartedness, egotism&the list goes on.   Think about it. S...
Posted by on Mon, 14 May 2007 20:55:00 GMT

Foolish Pride...

Beware of those that proudly wear their foolishness like a cloak turned inside out. You can't miss them. Some have been imposed as management types within major corporations; scores have run for polit...
Posted by on Mon, 19 Feb 2007 22:14:00 GMT

The Sync Syndrome

For only the second time in my life (just after midnight, October 6th, 2005), I am listening to two independent sound sources going in perfect sync: the subtle tick of my laptops' hard drive as it's c...
Posted by on Wed, 07 Feb 2007 20:47:00 GMT

I'm So Over The Telephone...

I'm so over the telephone. It's been a long time coming but I can now make that declaration with almost 99% certainty. I've found better alternatives. I think, however, that a clear distinction has to...
Posted by on Thu, 01 Feb 2007 22:43:00 GMT

Again with the ice...???

We're all entitled to our opinions.  With that in mind, somebody please explain to me the deal with "ice". Everytime I go to a restaurant I ask for a drink with "no ice". I usually get either a d...
Posted by on Thu, 01 Feb 2007 19:58:00 GMT

Let Boop This One Some More

Last year I coined the term "Boop". I'm trying my darndest to get it incorporated into the English language and in an age where new web terms and double-barreled acronyms manifest like cloned livesto...
Posted by on Thu, 25 Jan 2007 05:02:00 GMT