About Me
- and in my heart -
- and in my womb -
...revealing itself every now and then - presumably being responsible for letting me know less the more I learn. Fortunately my lunatic seems to indulge in that weird daily amazement about life's tiny follies and almost unbearable everyday beauties* as much as I do. So I keep granting cover (for the cost of shizophrenia, that is)!
* "almost unbearable everyday beauties"? Yep, e.g.: a cloudy sky. Music that kills. A housefly through a lens. Beer. The smile of an unknown person. Blooming rape. A flock of birds, especially, let's say, pigeons. Photosynthesis. The apparent amphiboly of things. Sunsets. Another Beer. Windstroken barley. An uncloudy sky. The sight of something that would never fit onto a photograph... stuff like that (sure - when I'm down I don't care, want to blow it all up and shoot us all. Let's not get inhuman.**)
** keep it low... I just want to; I won't. I'd probably start with myself anyway.
At erratic intervals, long ago and lately, just every now and then I run out of reasons like most people do once in a while... Out of reasons for anything: for a laugh, for looking up, for breathing in and keeping on and even for believing in that highly adored, so well proven and timeless cure for pain named love. In despair trying to pass the very phases thinking hard, scanning for arguments, listing pros and cons, tampering my vision I unsurprisingly fail time and again... Still one thing manages to at least drag me on, and it's simply music. Maybe last time it was yours. Thanks. Keep on saving me.
My Blog
The way I feel...
(...)In the clearing stands a boxer, and a fighter by his tradeAnd he carries the reminders of every glove that laid him down or cut himtil he cried out in his anger and his shameI am leaving, I am le...
Posted by on Sat, 05 Sep 2009 12:02:00 GMT