Laughing, traveling, surfing, my relationship with Jesus, my family and my friends, Classic/muscle cars, boats, shaping, snowboarding, seeing growth in my life.
Jesus, Hitler, Goliah, Jonah and the whale, Ghandi, my heros below & a three legged dog
classic rock, jazz, hip hop, anything i can read to or on the other hand something that has some "kick" to it.
shaw-shank redemption, point break, goonies, swiss family robinson, Snatch, white squal, dumb & dumber, the usual classic stuff.
over haulin, extreme home makeover, discovery channel. but i dont have t.v.
the bible, tuesdays with morrie, the struggle, difficult conversations, blue like jazz, Loren cunningham Into all the world,Three kings, William carey, surf mags
King Josiah. Christian Hosoi. Bicker. Baugus. Loren Cunnighnham, Peter, Charis, Guilmette