LILAS TRISTE profile picture


About Me

Lilas trilogy is "Lilas Triste" 2003 (d'AC031), Looking for Lilas 2004 (dac041), Triste Lilas (2005, d'ac061). Others guest David Fiuczynski, Ned Evett, Cécile Rives, Stéphane Trepp. ____________________________________________________________ ______ Since june 2006 Lilas Triste is a band with Franck Vigroux, Hélène Breschand, Marc Ducret and Fabrice Andrivon. If your are a promoter interested for a live performance please contact: fran.x( @ ) orange. fr ____________________________________________________________ ________Photo, review of the last live performance (in french) ;task=view&id=305&Itemid=136 ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------- .. CDBABY LINK for FRANCK VIGROUX: TRISTE LILAS --

My Interests


Member Since: 15/01/2007
Band Website:
Band Members: Franck VIGROUX (electronic,turntables) Hélène BRESCHAND (harp) Marc DUCRET (guitar) Fabrice ANDRIVON (voice)
Influences:I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4Get your myspace layouts at My
Sounds Like: listen the music it's free....
Record Label: d autres cordes records
Type of Label: Indie

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