kEn profile picture


I am here for Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

A guy 0ftEn mistakEn t0 bE s0mEthing isn't..a y0ung man with a g00d sEnsE of hum0r..can bE hEavEn and heELL..(but m0st 0f thE timE hEavEn)..truLy mystEri0us..a guy wh0 stands f0r siLEncE.."whErEvEr thE siLEncE is, I am thErE"..L0vabLE and undErstanding pErs0n..the HEART d'marE..I'm a guy w/t00 much LovE in my hEart rEsErvEd f0r my princEss!..a pErs0n fuLL 0f surprisEs and marvEL..miLd mannEr kn0ws EvErything ab0ut n0thing.. has a hugE hEart and EthicaL charactEr..a dEEpLy rELigi0us guy..y0u can aLways sEE mE in the church praying..a siLEnt yEt 0utg0ing aLways On the g0 but d0esn't kn0w whErE t0 start..sEEmingLy the typE 0f pErs0n wh0 has n0t LEarnEd thE mEaning of..ANGER..and..HATRED..SIMPLE..I fight f0r my right and kn0ws h0w t0 rEspEct thE rights 0f 0thErs.. TORPENG HINDI:i d0nt rEaLLy kn0w h0w t0 c0urt a girL! i just g0 and ask a girL 0ut..Why I AM A BOYFRIEND MATERIAL?!:Im sincErE and LoyaL ...aLL-0ut L0vEr:0nE sh0uLd aLways LOvE LikE thErE's n0 t0m0rr0w.. I'am a detErminEd Lad that is fuLL 0f principLEs, a sEri0us guy but s0metimEs (kaLOg)..0ndEEd a g00d fOLLOwEr, simpLE and trustw0rthy friEnd...Easy t0 gEt in t0uch with! a grEat paL, humbLE, shy...but I think the bEst discription 0f mE is I 'am pErfEctLy n0rmaL...I havE a bLazing Kind 0f pErs0naLity that 0verc0mEs thE bEauty 0f naturE in mE!laughs my hEart 0ut..0utspokEn and LivEs in fantasiEs..a bEnEvOLent LOvEr..!a pErs0n w0rth knOwing..fuLL 0f LifE and vig0r..I cErtainLy LOvEs t0 bE with thE pE0pLe wh0 arE LikE mE! I fight f0r my right and kn0ws h0w t0 rEspEct thE rights 0f 0thErs..

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

pE0pLE wh0 can undErsatnd mE, n0 mattEr what othErs say, pE0plE wh0 can hELp mE in timEs 0f tr0ubLEs, pE0pLE wh0 can pr0tEct mE n0t m0ck mE in fr0nt 0f 0thErs..and pE0pLE wh0 i can truLy trust!!!!