Me... I love; my giant poodle Juliet, my friends,My Gorgeous boyfriend Brian , my music, music is like air, you need it to survive life. I love dressing up, dressing down, wearing too much makeup, wearing no makeup, the ocean, the rain, my family, to be in love, sunday afternoon, painting/drawing/taking photos/doing makeup, earl grey tea, maybeline mascara, glitter, bushwalking, swimming, honesty, animals, the colour purple, Gwen Stefani, fake nails, baked cheese cake late nights, my uncle's home made red wine, taking hours to get ready with girlfriends and too much champagne(and sometimes not making it out!), my ex boyfriends, Tori Amos, buying NW magazine on a monday morning, listening to music whilst walking, salmon, vodka, Bettie Page, tarot and the occult, making people smile, good voices, blonde hair, sims 2, cuddles, working with talented people, guy's shoulders, strawberry milk, white magick, over-accessorising, tattoos, being blown away by a new song, flirting, spending money, pianos, mc flurries with everything, people with individual style, dior addict, computer games, texting, did I mention my poodle Juliet?.....................................................
..........................................................I don't like; My heart being toyed with, oxygen theives, cruelty to animals, lip-syncers, licorice, falling out of love, saving money, natural hair colours, turkish delight , competitive sport, shit music, badly behaved parents, hot humid weather, not getting enough sleep, ignorant people, bourbon, skinny legs, banana flavouring, being cold, early mornings, paris hilton, badly applied makeup, waiting, stupid office politics, high phone bills, black magick, fake smiles, fanatical evangelists, eggplant, computer glitches and things that annoy me!!!According to the "Which Big Lebowski character are you?" quiz:
Why don't you check it out? Or we cut off your Johnson!
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