come on dudeee....
Mainly God♥and Mark ChavezKuno Becker,Robert Horry,hes woah bad ass b-ball playerr& Jason Kidd,Antonio Daniels,LeBron James,David Becker,Shaq,Reggie Bush, yeahhhh,some funny ass comedians 2 make me laughh soooooo hardd!!
Rock,Metal,Death Metal,80'rock[music],Indie,Rap,Hip Hop,amor musica en espanol,kumbias,Crunk Crunk musicc bitch.anythin literally anythin i can relate too.or bad ass lyrics 4real
Crazy/Beatiful,A Walk to remember,Finding Nemo haha,that moviee with "I LIKE TO MOVE MOVEE IT", hahahaha idkk,Cars,alot of movies 4reall,scary/funny comedy ones,chill ones,and of course P-Rod skate videos!
Cobyyy[BALLA BRO] bro 4m another mother..truly a friend that has my back and a loserrr!.MY WHOLE EVERYTHING♥Shes my BFF, her motivation makes me a strong person,were alike in some ways,i wouldnt trade her for anyone shes there for me whenever i needed her i appreciate it. Icee Babyyy,hes like my dad haha but just my bff ha hes stupid haha,other than that hes the best when im sad/upset he makes me happyy/laugh soo i enjoy it he tries 2 like correct me alot,i like 2 make hes life miserable hes the JACK IN THE BEANSTALK IM JUST THE BEAN.haha[inside joke] [hes always tryin 2 look after me especially with the guys but if he likes you and he agrees with it then thats good or else like he says i gotta kill someone he wont tho or idk..]and he likes 2 laugh at my full name and fart on me & fartbox a car it sucks but a special funny friend in my life really..but hes the best tho ice ice babyy.dadum dadum. Lissette[slut/hoe haha jk],my good friend 4reall i can say shes ha dummb and funny but shes always KIT with me which i glad she found her dude,she was always there 4 good advice hahaNeff Days were the best slackin off rem ha.well im glad were still in touch ILY♥ Anna Banana[Spandex]inside joke my player[volleyball],another good friend 4m Neff im glad we still KIT too where soo dumb but were down ha,i miss her alot its not the same without her but shes a good friend ILY,and oure late night talks!