Uh E-ROD♥ profile picture


pushing myself to the limits beatches!

About Me

Keepin it simple,Im Nice Shy gurl once you get 2 know me you'll know who i really am outgoing goofy airhead laid back sweetheart i dont get mad that much its common,i LOVE smiling and laughing giggling haha,oh yeah im short too dont care anymore i aint gonna grow Love God,Family,Friends=they mean alot to me St.Lukes choir is rad,some silly kidss I listen to every type of music down for whatever really,but my fav lead singer is Mark Chavez incredible voice! Im that person that cares about everything,anything and will always be here for anyone if in need. Sports are kewl,Spurs are my fav team,[enjoy jogging,swimming,soccer,b-ball and me,shelly enjoy playin volleyball,joining Soccer for Holmes 07-08]"Never hold back from what you want because your scared, it could turn into something great♥" 1967 mustangg the car of my dreams or the 1967 volkswaggon hippie van the one id be down to drive all the way too Californiaa babyyy. ! home ~ layouts ~ music ~ favorites

My Interests

come on dudeee....

I'd like to meet:

Mainly God♥and Mark ChavezKuno Becker,Robert Horry,hes woah bad ass b-ball playerr& Jason Kidd,Antonio Daniels,LeBron James,David Becker,Shaq,Reggie Bush, yeahhhh,some funny ass comedians 2 make me laughh soooooo hardd!!


Rock,Metal,Death Metal,80'rock[music],Indie,Rap,Hip Hop,amor musica en espanol,kumbias,Crunk Crunk musicc bitch.anythin literally anythin i can relate too.or bad ass lyrics 4real


Crazy/Beatiful,A Walk to remember,Finding Nemo haha,that moviee with "I LIKE TO MOVE MOVEE IT", hahahaha idkk,Cars,alot of movies 4reall,scary/funny comedy ones,chill ones,and of course P-Rod skate videos!


Cobyyy[BALLA BRO] bro 4m another mother..truly a friend that has my back and a loserrr!.MY WHOLE EVERYTHING♥Shes my BFF, her motivation makes me a strong person,were alike in some ways,i wouldnt trade her for anyone shes there for me whenever i needed her i appreciate it. Icee Babyyy,hes like my dad haha but just my bff ha hes stupid haha,other than that hes the best when im sad/upset he makes me happyy/laugh soo i enjoy it he tries 2 like correct me alot,i like 2 make hes life miserable hes the JACK IN THE BEANSTALK IM JUST THE BEAN.haha[inside joke] [hes always tryin 2 look after me especially with the guys but if he likes you and he agrees with it then thats good or else like he says i gotta kill someone he wont tho or idk..]and he likes 2 laugh at my full name and fart on me & fartbox a car it sucks but a special funny friend in my life really..but hes the best tho ice ice babyy.dadum dadum. Lissette[slut/hoe haha jk],my good friend 4reall i can say shes ha dummb and funny but shes always KIT with me which i enjoy.im glad she found her dude,she was always there 4 good advice hahaNeff Days were the best slackin off rem ha.well im glad were still in touch ILY♥ Anna Banana[Spandex]inside joke my player[volleyball],another good friend 4m Neff Days.lol. im glad we still KIT too where soo dumb but were down ha,i miss her alot its not the same without her but shes a good friend ILY,and oure late night talks!

My Blog

Everytime God.<3

Everytime i feel alone I can feel you there with me, When im feeling sad, All i do is pray and i can feel youre presence by my side, I can feel youre glowing smile across my face, And i know everythin...
Posted by Uh E-ROD♥ on Mon, 12 Feb 2007 09:51:00 PST

Greatful right...

Well this year wasnt as good 4 me i lost alot of things.and it sucks alot i wish i had them back i realized things all late  but i guess things were like that and God just wants to find a go...
Posted by Uh E-ROD♥ on Mon, 11 Dec 2006 04:47:00 PST

Faith + Hope.

?? God has been helping me out i can feel it.yeah ive seriously been greatful for him not lettin my faith die.things happen 4 reasons but im glad [yeah i probaly sound all religious] other than t...
Posted by Uh E-ROD♥ on Fri, 24 Nov 2006 12:10:00 PST