I'd like to meet:
I don't need to meet them, but here are 5 people I'm glad I ran across in my studies: Bob Marley, Zack De La Rocha, Noam Chomsky, Subcomandante Marcos of EZLN, and Martin Luther King Jr.Here is a great interview with Marcos from the EZLN Zapatista rebels in Mexico. How can the average US citizen not understand this shit? Just give it a listen. Or if you dont speak Spanish you can read the subtitles.Zack and Noam talk about Neoliberalism and NAFTA.OBAMA-NOMICS, TASTES LIKE BUSHThis is the speech that made Martin Luther King Jr. public enemy number 1. Here he rightly condems US imperialism for what it is. He understood US foriegn policy very well. Here he says that the US is "the greatest purveyor of violence in the world." What you probably don't know, that Martin Luther King Jr. DID know, is that post WWII the US went to war against poor people all over the 3rd world. Nationalist movements everywhere were destroyed to protect resources and markets for our capitalists. They routinely overthrew democracies and supported evil dictators to keep the people in line with US capitalist interests. Chile, Iran, and Guatemala are the most obvious glaring examples. The Cold War was just a pretext. All of that is obvious from an examination of the historical record.Bob Marley: War. Based on the speech by Haile Selassie I, Emperor of Ethiopia, to the United Nations in New York City, NY October 4, 1963Cool interviews with Bob.