Elvis ! Because He is still Alive! and????? This Guy........
MY ANGEL!!!!!!!!!!!.
Circle of Fear
Love hurts and we all know
that...but maybe its hurt you a bit too much.
You probably spend a lot of your time thinking or
maybe even Confused, just trying to get away
from it all.
What Song By HIM Are You?
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Layne Staley Alice In Chains
My favorite books and authors, Edgar Alen Poe, I think Dan Brown is genious!!! Angels and demons and Davinci Code. On the lighter side East of Eden.
.. .CHARLES CARLO My Dad! He was a hero to me. He did it his way. And never was fake or untrue about who He was. He left this earth still standing tall and proud. I have this devotion to him No matter what he did. Most people live there whole lives pretending for the sake of others. I will always respect him for that. I miss you!