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Dark's Legacy

Dark is a reincarnation of both darkness and light, through his lives he lived important and common lives. However Dark had only a few important past lives all occuring hundreds of years ago. In 320 B.C. Dark lived as a spartan, he was a fierce and courageous warrior. Darks name was well known, he was called the dragon of darkness. This name resonated due to the speed, strength and smarts the man possesed. But there was another reason behind his name, thoose who had fallen to this spartan only saw there mere shadow of there assailant before there death. Along with eyes of darkness which is why Dark was name the Dragon of Darkness. Then hundreds of years later in 1600 A.C. Dark had returned to life as the Dragon he was once described to. Dark became the Dragon of the darkness wondering the Fuedal Japan. Years later as the Destiny Star arrived to earth releasing the spheres of light across the planet, Darks reincarnation's memories had returned of his former lives. But now a part of the former spartan and a part of the Dragon of Darkness dwelled within him..

Weapons and Abillities:

Fang Of Darkness:
A sword thats almost a hair longer than an average katana, the blade’s steel was said to have the fang of a dragon embedded within the sword. The blade itself was black and had a jagged edge; this jagged edge is what gave it such high precision with wind strikes.Its hilt was wraped in a red silk fabric that gave the user a compfortable grip upon the hilt. The blade guard of the sword was in the design of a three golden dragons spiraling around the hilt of the sword. The fang of darkness holds two elemental properties,Fire and Wind. The Fang of Darkness is Darks chaneller to Soul Edge.
Crimson Carnage
A large claymore 4.5 foot long and .5 foot wide. The claymores blade was made from grounded down steel from a war in the demon world. Each shard of steel that was forged to create the claymore held the blood lust of demon. The blade was crimson red and was extremely sharp, it was said that even a tap against the edge of the sword would cause blood to spill.The hilt of the sword was wraped in a black leather giving the user a tight secure grip of his blade.The Crimson carnage held two elemental properties of Lightning and Fire. This sword is a chaneller to Devils Paine.
Hydras Roar
The Hydras roar was a golden sycthe about 4 foot long. The sycthe had a double sickle on each end making the sycthe able to be thrown like a boomerang. The scythe was also able to detach into two sycthes 2 ft long. On each sickle there were two golden crystals embedded on the blade. Theese crystals were said to have a unkown power. The Hydras Roar didn't have elemental properties, instead it had the power to summoun a sacred beast. This blade is the chaneller to Divine Higherarchy.

Celestial Techniques

Angel’s Requiem
A golden sphere of concentrated sacred energy that can be molded into different shapes including that of a aura sword. This attack can cut a person, but if it does not only does it inflict physicall damage, it stops cellular regeneration.
Sanctuary Of Light
A golden sphere of light that surrounds the user. This sphere of light is composed of sacred energy that not only prevents attacks from comming in, it also sends them back with an elemental property attached (the element depends on what channeller dark is using at the moment.)
Divine Flames of the Heavens
Using a fair amount of sacred energy one can cast a wall of white flames towards his opponent. Theese white flames hold a very odd power if they werent odd enough already, theese flames would make contact with the skin, the infected region of the skin would drastically age and wither away but that isnt all, the infection will spread throughout the entire body unless a section of the body is severed.
Spear Of Longinus
By using a great deal of sacred energy one can create a golden aura spear. This spear is a moving worm hole in the shape of a spear. The whole trick is the illusion of a spear to fool the enemy. But this is a double edged sword that can lead to your own downfall for you need to build up srength within the spear first and if held to long you could be sucked into its great power.

Dark's Items

Silver Marlbes
Dark carries a bag of silver marbles with him at all times. Theese silver marbles are hollow shells filled with soul energy and pressure. Hidden within the marbles carry techniques dark had created previously and put inside them. Theese marbles come in handy since there is a wide variety of marbles. Dark has a tendancy of hidding them throughout his clothing not only within a bag.
Glove Of Zanzibar
This glove is no ordinary glove, it contains an adhesive grip that responds to soul energy. When soul energy is released from ones palm creating a locked grip that cant be released by anyone other than its user.
Celestial's Silk
A silk cloth that enhances cellular regeneration. This cloth is said to be dipped in the fountain of youth and heals anything within a matter of time.
Knuckle Crusher
A pair of brass knuckles that is made out of crystals found in the celestial domaine. Theese crystals are said to be able to easily tear through steel and amplify soul energy. On each knuckle of the Crystal knuckles are what appeared to be small barrells that look like a miniture gun barell. Theese barells amplfy and release soul energy like firing a gun. .

Dark Xanthis Haru


Darks Bio:
Eye Color:Black
Hair Color:Black


Darks Abilities:

Soul Edge
Devils Paine
Divine Higherarchy
Celestial Techniques
All Seeing Eyes
Dragons Roar


-The Destiny Star
(A rp genre created by me)
-Xanthis Empire
-Demon Gods
-Haru Kingdom
-Dark Tournament
-The Legendary Seven
-The Forgotten Bladesmen
-The Order of the Sword


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Darkness Hollow Ascension

Dark stepped forwards looking at thoose who stood before him with taking in a deep breath. For many stood around him, On a cliff above sat a man with blonde hair and silver gleaming armor with he seem...
Posted by on Thu, 13 Sep 2007 13:02:00 GMT

Deal Of The Devil

Dark sat laughing in a corner with darkness covering everything around him. Only one light was to be seen as dark sat with only a grin upon his face able to be seen. The light that caused dark's horri...
Posted by on Sat, 01 Sep 2007 22:41:00 GMT

Darks Death? The Blood Line Of Two Families

Dark watched the results of the boulder closely with a grin upon his face. He continued to stare at jing while he seemed to have a mad look upon his face. But this look was for one reason, he felt jin...
Posted by on Sat, 01 Sep 2007 22:35:00 GMT

Darks Judgement..The Divine Blade Of Light

As jings spirit energy rose soon another filled the area. A loud crash of darkness fell through soul society as a man steped forwards with a grin. Black flames incased his body with his arrival with b...
Posted by on Sat, 01 Sep 2007 22:32:00 GMT


Soul Society
Posted by on Mon, 20 Aug 2007 21:41:00 GMT