Football, music, and mostly any other sports except hockey...
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Johnny Knoxville, Wayne Brady, John Cena, Batista, Shawn Michaels and Triple H (D Generation X), and Carlito.
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Yellowcard, Bowling For Soup, Saliva, Switchfoot, Atreuy, Linkin Park, Mercy Drive, Zebrahead, Three Six Mafia, and the musical stylings of Rumpelstiltskin... type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="http://www.../mc/mp3player.swf" height="270" width="435" border="0"
Music Code | Edina Realty | Flash Games
Any movies that are National Lampoon or football movies. I also like The Ringer, Underworld Evolution, and Really big comedies such as the benchwarmers, The Longest Yard, any of the Blade Movies. Just those kind of movies.
I like Family Guy, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, 5 Questions With The Champ, and pretty much any other MTV show especially anything associated with the WWE...
I am interested in Wrestling Books. No other freaky deaky books except the ones im interested in.
Your mother's boss' drunk beat up wife that lives up the road from Jeff Gordan wife's drunk husband's brother, Bob which lives in your basement with his boyfriend Steven in which they are having a 3-some with Steven's best friend Jones that just lately had sex with your mom last night who was coming home from my house.
Bis forBewildering
Ris forRemarkable
Ais forAmazing
Nis forNervy
Dis forDelightful
Yis forYummy
Nis forNormal
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