Shelby profile picture


About Me

Myspace Layouts at / Hi Tech Bronze

What to say... I'm 6'3" with a shoe-size to boot (get it?). I enjoy music to the point of never being able to keep some form of it out of my head at any given point. I play guitar and have been for several years now. I also used to take piano, but I stopped after I got too busy with my guitar lessons. I have a cottage. I love my cottage. I don't travel much because I have a cottage. I don't have much free time anymore because I use it to play guitar. In conclusion, my name is Shelby and I play guitar. E-Mail/Add me: [email protected]

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Jesus, but not until my appointed time.Until then, probably Superman. He's a cool guy. Laser vision. Pretty cool.

My Blog

New guitar #5!

Although I hardly ever buy anything, I ended up spending all of my money and then some on a new guitar yesterday... Here's the story.Mark Doerkson came over on Thursday to give me a guitar lesson, not...
Posted by on Sun, 08 Apr 2007 14:04:00 GMT