jackieoooh... profile picture


Hey lizard, you change colors

About Me

I'll be the unicorn... If you have ever met anyone who can explain themselve in a few sentances let me know. Myspace is ruining my life. I'm really old... who says girls are clean?I used to wear cool pants...

My Interests

what would love be without wishful thinking?

I'd like to meet:

please go away. ps- if you are some dude trying to get as many girls on your page as possible please don't add me. You are gross. Much appriciated.


No, not going to write every band I've heard since I was 6. I'll spare you.


True Romance


it sucks.


You Can Be Anything From A to Z, an anti-inspirational guide to adulthood


Beyonce, jus playen. Anyone whose had their image printed on a pair of undies. And these hookers...

My Blog

Hamptons suck ass

So I just got back from New York. Yeah, NYC was cool, but the time there flew by far to quickly. Unfortunatly I was dragged to a family reunion on Long Island. Don't get me wrong, I love my family ...
Posted by jackieoooh... on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST