Myspace Layouts at / Jesus Praying Hands - Image Hosting
Myspace Layouts at / Jesus Praying Hands - Image Hosting
The Color Purple, Time to Kill, Steel Magnolias, Madeas Class Reunion, The Notebook, Coach Carter, Bebe's Kids,
All My Children, Desperate Housewives, Grey's Anatomy,American Idol, America's Next Top Model, Law & Order, Monk, Bad Girls Club, Lifetime, Deal or No Deal, C.S.I.,
A Day Late and A Dollar Short, Casting Out the First Stone, The Best- Kept Sercet, Love& Lies, Here and Now, It's A thin Line, Behind Close Doors,Church Folk, Secrets Never Told, The Preacher's Son, The Other Woman, Another's Man Wife, A Child Called It, The Lost Boy, Junie B. Jones, is a Barbershop Guy, Ira Sleeps Over, Where the Red Fern Grows, Amazing Grace
God, Oprah Winfrey, Shirley Williams, My Mom, and anyone who tries to better themselves!