About Me
layoutcodez.netWelcome To My Page... Its This Simple: If U Wanna Know Its Stated Below..............................................
Life Ambitions: I knew before a lot of people at school what i wanted to do with my future, as a full time career i would like to go into a proffesion involving children, I like the fact that in that line of work you really do make a difference, however minor it may b knowing that i can help a child become more independant or even being sum1 a child can trust makes me feel like i am doing something worth doing and that in the end it will appreciated.
I Plan To Go To University To Study Forensic Science In September, This Is A Dream Ambition Of Mine And As I Always Say Whats The Point Of Having A Dream If Your Not Going To Follow It??I've always wanted to write a book I mean i've tried starting them many'a'tym but I never seem to be able to get the result i am looking for,I'm not sure I have the mentality at this stage of my life to produce the book i've always dreamed of writin. I've always wanted to write a book that is exaggerated reality based on the streets I Know I'm Just One Person But My Aim Is To Make A Difference, right now I just don't think I've had enough life experience to do so.Interests:MUSIC......
boi, i can't even imagine my life without music, its like..a part of me,I wouldn't say I really have any particular taste in music or that i prefer any type/genre i guess it all depends on how it makes me feel personally.READING......
one of my greatest passions is reading,it just takes me to another place. The thing i find most interestin about reading is that thousands of people can read the same book, yet each time it is read it changes. Thats the main reason why i'd choose a book over t.v,t.v has everythig planned out for you,you need no imagination to watch t.v yet when you read a book, the characters and settings can look however YOU want them to. I believe that even though the author writes the story It's the readers who create it.WRITING......
i've been writing poems for as long as i can remember, they keep me in touch with who i am (hate to admit my english teacher was right) I've always had a passion for writing,it's one thing in this world you where you can say what the hell you like and what you do with the end result is also up to you,from expereince i believe writin is da best way 2 express your emotions wever u do it by writin poems,lyrics or even in a diary.LEARNING......
ok now heres for the 'hate to admit t but it's true' part,if you went to school with me your probly finkin yeh whateva....but as sad as it may sound its tru,I actually thrive on learning. In school i took myself in the wrong direction which is why now i try to learn something new everyday, which isn't hard b-coz every experience can be educational if your ready to learn.I could go on but i think ill give your eyes a break damn they must be hurtin lol, so we reach the end ofmy essay hehe.......Just like 2 add if u actually read this report back and i'll get you medal sent off a.s.a.p coz believe me after i finish writing this i doubt even i will read it again.
1luv, bless n take care xxxx $horti xxxx
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