I guess we'll find out on tour, wont we Chip! profile picture

I guess we'll find out on tour, wont we Chip!

live it one day at a time damn it.

About Me

my name is DJ Hart. music has taken me in a different direction in life. it has left me with no money, no steady job, and no chance to see my family or my friends as much as i'd like. It's hard to keep a relationship because no girl really understands. I want to know everything there is about what i do. and i plan to succeed. Everything happens for a reason, and god puts everyone on this earth for a purpose. i believe music is mine. i love what i do. the end. AIM = exsxmxe
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My Interests

I do alot of stuff, like play guitar, bass, little bit of drums, i teach karate, and i want to become a pro surfer. cuz that would be sweet

I'd like to meet:



i like a lot of bands, to many to name really. but i have been listening to alot of...BTBAM ,Howie day, As i lay dying, emery, thrice, blink 182, killswitch engage, senses fail, underoath, SAOSIN, TREOS, tsy, boys night out, new found glory, story of the year, -------- NEW taking back sunday, Jack's manniquin, a thorn for every heart, acceptance, far-less, tse, THE rocket summer. Shit like that.


South Park, Chapelle show, shorties watchin shorties, insomniac, man show, - can you tell i like comedy central




this bestfriend nigga perve right here.