"In this culture, we celebrate and elevate spoiled fools for their obnoxious and lavish lifestyles. We give TV shows and buy all their ridiculous merchandized products. Love yourself for all your shortcomings and be real. If you do that long enough and stay patient, you'll find someone to share the amazingness of life with. We all need each other." - Anthony Green
i always write about me's and they always seem to suck so i don't try anymore haha. but i'll try again :)
I can't really explain how I really am, you'll have to ask my soul mate for that :) but how i look at myself is as a free spirited person, a person that cares too much about things and ends up getting hurt because of that. A person who not only cares but knows that there's always a good thing out of something bad. I try to never think negative but sometimes negativity catches up with me. having fun is something i love doing. have you been having fun lately? cause i know i have :)
Live it up