Christina Cannon-Ball? profile picture

Christina Cannon-Ball?

About Me

The name is Christina or Chris. I dont go by babydoll, and Im not your honey. I'm not the woman you want to mess with, and I dont have that 800,000 people to go to when shit goes wrong. All I have is me, and I'm ok with that. It makes me who I am, it makes me the tough woman I am today. Dont fix me, I'm not broken. Dont tell me what to do, just be you, and then we'll be just fine. There is a hope that people need to keep alive, that all things will work out. There is nothing out there that should break a person of that passion and drive to do what they dream, no matter what race, no matter their religion, no matter where they came from, no matter where they are going. Hope is something people must keep in their hearts, because sometimes, hope is all we have left.

My Blog

Size... why should it matter?

What is the problem with weight? I just dont get it. Just because someone isnt a size 2 or 6 doesn't mean they arent thin, or skinny, it just means they aren't what society believes is beautiful. I'm ...
Posted by on Wed, 04 Mar 2009 11:21:00 GMT

Yesterday Was Rediculous!!!!

Talk about best birthday ever. I met all the members of Alkaline Trio.... and I asked Matt Skiba to call my best friend, and leave her a voicemail, and guess what.... HE DID IT!!!  I couldn't bel...
Posted by on Tue, 07 Oct 2008 04:15:00 GMT


I've been tagged!Once you've been tagged you must write a blog with ten weird, random things, little known facts or habits about yourself.  Then you choose ten people to be tagged, list their nam...
Posted by on Tue, 29 Jan 2008 05:31:00 GMT


help me im drowning falling into a pool of tears lost at sea i cant find my way home and i want to go away from here i just cant do this alone just take me in breathe for me and make me smile   ...
Posted by on Wed, 07 Nov 2007 03:09:00 GMT

Do you know me?

Do you remember me. all the things i have said, all the hugs ive given? do you remember how i make you laugh, how i cry with you? i remember me, but the real question is do you. i know not who you are...
Posted by on Thu, 01 Nov 2007 22:11:00 GMT

Fuck this emo shit... I went to OZZFEST!

DUDE!!! it was sick.  i moshed so much... im in complete pain.  i gave out 377 hugs (FREE HUGS!) and i whopped ass in the moshpits.  i flew i fell and i laughed and bled.  It was s...
Posted by on Tue, 21 Aug 2007 10:27:00 GMT