I've seen a lot of my friends profile's where they try and list off all their friends and tell a little bit about why they like them, and there's ALWAYS, WITHOUT FAIL, the "I'm sorry if I missed anyone!" phrase. Well it f*cking sucks to be that one person. So I'm not going to ever include one of those, because I have so many awesome friends, I wouldn't have the time or space to write about ALL of them, and since human brains forget things sometimes, I would forget somebody, and I hate being the forgotten one, so I won't make someone else be forgotten. I try and make my friends feel good by how I treat them, and sometimes I screw up and make 'em feel bad, but I don't find that I usually fail. And, if you're reading this and you have one of those sections, don't take it down just cause I wrote this. I'm not condemning you.
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"Love is quite complicated. To some people, love means "I want to hold your hand." To others, it means "oh my god you're so cute!!!" and to others, it means a lot more than simple stuff.
To some people, love is the feeling I feel:
When you're crying or sad.
When someone hurts you.
When you fall down.
When you make me laugh.
When you smile at me.
When you make me smile.
When you tell me I'm you're friend.
When you give me a hug.
When you tell me that I'm not as bad as some might say.
When you tell me not to be sad when you should be telling me to shut up.
When you apologise to me for something that didn't hurt.
When you let me apologise to you.
To me, love is a very big and almost indescribable thing. And to me, I love all my friends. Every. Single. One.
If you love all your friends the way love is really meant to be, send this to them. Send it back to the person who sent it to you; not because you want to avoid a curse, or get a huge kiss or a million dollars, but because if someone sends it to you, they care about you, and it's worth sending back."
Send it to people.
What Be Your Nerd Type? Your Result: Musician Doo doo de doo waaaa doo de doo! (-- That's you playing something.) Everyone appreciates the band/orchestra geeks and the pretty voices. Whether you sing in the choir, participate in a school/local band, or sit at home writing music, you contribute a joy to society that everyone can agree on. Yay! Welcome to actually doing something for poor, pathetic human souls. (Just kidding.)
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