*+*+*+ InTrEsTs iN lIfE eRMmMmMmM......LeT Me fInK HaHa eRmM wElL FrIeNdS & FaMiLy ArE A StArTeR...:)OmG GeTtIn mY HaIr aNd nAiLs dOnE HeHe cNt bEaT DaT....ShOeS,BaGs,LaDsSs,DrInKiN, pArTiEs, pInK SpArKlY FiNgS..SHOPPPPPPPPINNNNNNN....*+*+*+
lotz ov famous ppl=) xx
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*+*+*+I LoVe mY LoVeSoNgS CaNt gEt eNoUgH Of tHeM i tElL Ya...lOvE mY rNb AnD HiP HoP N DaNcE N GaRagE i bAsIcAlLy liKe nEtInK Ya CaN gEt yA GrOoVe oN tO HeHe i fiNk Ne1 DoEs tO B HoNeSt..:)*+*+*+
*+*+*+yOu gOt sErVeD,SaVe tHe lAsT DaNcE,HoNeY,bRiNg iT On lOl AnD Ov cOuRsE PrEtTy wOmEn....:)*+*+*+
*+*+*+..OnE On oNe aNd aLl oV Us HoLyOkEs aNd fRiEnDs..:)*+*+*+
*+*+*+eRrRr rEaD mAgAzInEs iNsTeAd LOL...:)"gTa lOvE CoSmOpOlItIn"*+*+*+
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.. Copied from MySpace.com --
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me,myself and I in 150 questions! by klesa
name: gemma
nickname: chick or FiFi lol
birthday: 17th April
height: 5.5
weight: 8 stone i fink
hair: brunnette
eyes: hazel woop woop
any piercings?: yh ears n belly.
tattoos?: yup 1...
any siblings?: 2.
what do you like to wear?: nothing lol
book?: hmmmmm!!!
color?: PInK
movie?: sAvE ThE LaSt dAnCe
celebrity?: BeYoNcE
place?: hOLlYwOoD
food?: jAcKet pOtAtOe
dessert?: IcE CrEam
alcoholic drink?: WiNe
non-alcoholic drink?: bLuE WkD LoL
day of the week?: fRiDaY
number?: 17
month?: aPrIl
city?: LoNdOn
country?: HmMmM
animal?: tIgEr
time of the day?: EvEnInG
smell?: pErfUmE
tv channel?: e4
song at the moment?: HmMmMm
friend?: aMy!
place to be?: WrK
time of the day?: mOrNiN
day of the week?: mOnDaY
song/music gender?: hMmMmM
animal to you?: FiSh
drink?: WhIsKey
food?: sPiNaGe
*have u ever...*
been so drunk that you cant remember?: O YeSsSsSsS
cheated: 1oNcE ReGrEtEd it
been cheated on?: YhHhHhH:(
been in love?: StIlLl aM
been on TV?: i wIsH
stolen anything?: hAhA Yh
been on stage?: O YeSsSsS
passed out?: nOPeSss
had a surgery?: nOpEsSs
broke the law intentionally?: NopEsSs
had a friend pass away?: NoPpPeS fAnK Fk
been lied?: YeSsS PlEnTy
been dumped?: YeSsS:(
*do you...*
do drugs?: nOoOoOo
get drunk?: yEsSsSs
dance?: hAhA aLl tHe TiMe
party?: ALl tHe tImEeEe
sing?: hMm i tRy
play an instrument?: NoPeSsS
get along with your parents?: YeSsSs
think you are attractive?: hMmMmMM
swear?: YeSsSsS
smoke?: sUmTiMeSs
get motion sickness?: nOPpPeSsS
wear contacts/glasses?: nOpEsSs
get good marks?: nOPeSs
watch cartoon?: tWeETy pIe
drink milk :3 ?: YeSsSs
write poems/stories?: nOPeSsS
take a particular medicine?: nOPpEsSs
go to psycholog?: NopEsSs
have a pet?: yEsSsS
are you allergic to something?: NopEsSs
play an online rpg?: noPeSsS
get online on msn a lot?: hAhA hMmMM
google a lot?: YeSsS
have fights?: yEsSs
read magazines?: yEsSs
read comics?: nOpEsSs
how many hours do you sleep?: aLoT
how frequently do you go to hairdresser?: eVeRy 3 wKs
get along with your teachers?: NopEsSs
What's your preferred genre of music?: HIp Hop
All-time favorite band/artist?: mIsSy eLlIOt
All-time favorite song?: HmMm gT lOadS
How many CDs or MP3s of your favorite band/artist do you have?: hAhA FkIn lOaDsSsS
What's your favorite radio station?: GaLaXy
rock?: NoOOoOOo
blues/jazz?: hEhE NOoOoOo
classical?: nOoOoOoO
rap?: SuMtieSs
pop?: noOoOo
country?: noOoOo
emo/screamo?: NoOoOoO
heavy metal?: fK DaTtTtTt
techno?: HmMmMmMmmMmM
reggae?: yEsSsSsS
r&b?: YeSsSsSs
time you cried?: sUnDaY
movie you watched?: aMeRgEdAn
person you talked on the phone?: JaMeS My Bf
cigarette?: FrIdAy nItE
song played?: tYrEsEs SiGnS Ov LoVe
thing you ate?: cHoCo sPrEaD On tOasT loL
time you took a bubble bath?: dIs mOrNiN
time you got drunk?: LaSt nItE LoL
time you read a book?: hMmM WeN I WaS At sKl
email you get?: 2dAY
person you got a fight?: jAmEs
time you hugged someone?: ToDaY
time you kissed someone?: tOdAy
time you met someone new?: HmMm eVeRyDaY
time you went for a date?: fKiN HeLl tiMe aGo
*do you believe in...*
God?: YeeSsSs
religions?: noPeSSs
aliens?: NopEsSss
ghosts?: YeSsSsS
afterlife?: HmMmM
yourself?: yEssSs
astrology?: WtS DAt
karma?: WtS dAt
magic?: YeSsSs
*in a girl/boy*
hair: bLaCk oR bLnD DnT mInD
eyes: sExY DeEp BrWn 1S
hobbies: hMmMmMm
style of clothing: GuD DrEsS SeNsE
kiss on first date?: mAyB DePeNdS
love at first sight?: hMmMmM Yh y noT lOL
who do you wanna slap?: kAtY tAyLOr
who do you wanna kill?: RoXaNnE
your dream: BeIn HaPpY
do you want to get married?: eVeNtUaLlY
love?: iM iN lOvE
i wanna be: fAmOuS N RiCh
all you need is: FaMiLy N FrIeNdS
identy yourself with 3 words:: sExY,CuTe fUnY lOL
what is your worst characteristic?: bEiN SiLlY lOL
what are your fears?: dYiNg,sPiDeRs AnD SnAKes
what is your weakness?: BeIn KiSsEd On ThE nEck
favourite quote?: HmMmMm
cartman or kenny?: CaRtMan
shoes you weared last time?: BrWn bOoTs
what is your aim for this year?: Be HaPpY
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