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Prophet Michael G. Lewis

The Time Is at Hand for the Prophetic Manifestation of God's Kingdom Worldwide

About Me

___________________________________________________________O n August 2, 1984, Chicago, IL, an important event in history took place- the birth of Michael G. Lewis Jr. His parents, Carla and Michael Sr., knew that their newborn son was special. What they did not know at the time was that the Lord had chosen him to tell the oppressed the good news, to heal the brokenhearted and announce freedom for prisoners and captives. Michael accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as his personal savior in 1991 ____________________________________________________________ Michael grew up on the South side of Chicago in Stateway Gardens. As a child, he had a habit of preaching to an imaginary congregation, taping himself praying and preaching from time to time, Michael would gather all the kids in his building and hold church service in his parent’s living room. The Spirit of the Lord is upon me…Therefore, it was by Divine appointment that God assigned him to House of Hope Healing & Deliverance Ministries/The School of Deliverance under the leadership of Apostle Kathleen Miles, where he acknowledged the call of God to ministry at the age of sixteen. Here is where he was prepared and equipped to escape the limitations of tradition to widen his spiritual parameters to reach people of varied ages, backgrounds and cultures. Licensed and ready to preach the unedited, uncut, and unmistakable gospel of Jesus Christ with a barrier- braking, burden removing, yoke destroying power! ____________________________________________________________ Later moving to Rockford Illinois, Michael served under the leadership of Dr. John Farris Senter pastor of Providence Church as well as co- hosted a weekly radio broadcast Rockford Morning Glory Gospel Weekend WNTA 1330 A.M. June 2003 Michael was ordained as founder of Michael G. Lewis Ministries, Inc. Over the past six years, God has shaped and defined His call on Michael's life. As he spent time in the Word of God, tremendous spiritual growth occurred. Then, God directed him to New Wine International Ministries under the leadership of Pastor Samantha Bynum. ____________________________________________________________ .. ____________________________________________________________ With the guidance of the Holy Spirit; God has given him a unique anointing for those who are “Desperate For a Breakthrough” this powerful, global life-changing ministry is geared toward the restoration of the body of Christ. It deals with inner healing... with God's mercy and love being able to take broken lives, mend them and put them back together again. “I know that life is filled with challenges and opportunities and I believe that God wants us to face adversity equipped to win. God wants us to turn our stumbling blocks into stepping stones,” says Michael. ____________________________________________________________ Kingdom Academy...though this in-depth prophetic ministry God has given Prophet Michael principals of warfare, a teaching which targets present day believers and leaders equipping them to walk in their legal rights, authority and dominion as God’s law enforcement agents in the earth realm according to Genesis 1:28. Satanic and demonic activities have intensified against cities, families, churches, and schools in these end-times; because the enemy knows that he has but a short time. Due to Prophet Michael’s intense passion for intercessory prayer, deliverance and spiritual warfare, he has birthed a God given-Holy Spirit lending insight on how to deal with ‘master’ spirits that exert their influence on specific locations, institutions and kingdoms. “For God is calling for the five fold-ministries to turn this crisis-threatened world around and prophetically point it in a righteous direction. ____________________________________________________________ Now at the age of 22... His intellectual, scriptural approach, and his intense oratorical style, stimulates the intellect of people on all levels of life. God inspired Michael to write his first book, titled “A Broken Young Man, Mended”. He is known for his simplicity in teaching the Word of God boldly and with authority, in Apostolic Order bringing the church back to a position of power through prayer and the Word. Many hail his method as "being practical, yet powerful" while penetrating the hardest, captivating the attention of the restless and convincing the confused that God is able to save anybody. ____________________________________________________________ Prophet Michael G. Lewis, Jr. is one of God's youthful Generals...

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My Blog

Mandated for the Kingdom: Prophetic Word

ALL OF MYSPACE LEADERS: I don't know if you all have notice that the New Year has approached, were in our second month today and I don't know about you, but I have been feeling a deep stirri...
Posted by Prophet Michael G. Lewis on Thu, 01 Feb 2007 10:15:00 PST

"What Happen To Your Fire?"

How many times has this happened to you? You are moving along smoothly in your Christian walk. You feel inspired to continue and go from strength to strength. You have zeal and a determination to do w...
Posted by Prophet Michael G. Lewis on Tue, 23 Jan 2007 05:21:00 PST

Elements of The Prophetic

The Lord has impressed upon my heart to take you into a greater revelation, concerning this end-time prophetic move concerning you. I am almost sure that there are so many people apart of the Kingdom...
Posted by Prophet Michael G. Lewis on Tue, 23 Jan 2007 04:44:00 PST

In His Presence...Concerning 2007

Concerning 2007 says the Lord..."You have walk into the New Year with Me, knowing that as I walk with you, it shall be no different to any other New Year that you have walked into with Me. It is ...
Posted by Prophet Michael G. Lewis on Tue, 23 Jan 2007 04:55:00 PST

"Welcome To A New Year"

Dear Friends Welcome, So far, This has  truly been a year of Unlimited Possibilities and yes, The Kingdom of God has Arrived! And everything that he's promised is with Him. Be it prophetically or...
Posted by Prophet Michael G. Lewis on Sun, 14 Jan 2007 02:33:00 PST