I was the host of TV's Truth or Consequences for 18 years before signing on to host the popular game show The Price Is Right in 1972. The show, in which contestants try to guess the price of potential prizes, is now the longest-running game show in television history. I have won 12 Daytime Emmys for my hosting and producing talents, and I was given a Daytime Emmy Lifetime Achievement award in 1999. I am also a well-known advocate for animal welfare and animal rights; for years I have ended The Price is Right telecasts with a reminder to viewers to spay and neuter their pets.
I look at the Price Is Right as a metaphor for our human existance. First of all, its a privledge to even be named to "Come on down!". Then if you happen to win that step,
short side note.. I hate when people bet a dollar, Its degrading to the other players and it insults my intelligence, But i digress.
You play a pricing game, in wich you can win either a brand new car, a washer/dryer, or basically crap.
It really doesn't matter unless its a car, its really just product placement for our sponsors. Gotta pay the bills sometime. However the game turns out you still get to spin "The Wheel". Be carefull, the wheel has been know to kill at random. If you get the closest to a dollar durring that segment then you get to move on to the "Showcase Showdown". Two contestants left bid on the prizes they have presented to them, its like this: As long as your name is called you just have to beat the wheel, at the end of it all you can end up with everything, nothing, or a lifetime supply of Deviled Ham. It all comes down to who your looking to in the crowd for the answers.