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3rd String Rocks, But Joey Rules!!!

About Me

My name is Joey Miller. Those who know me well call me alot of things (the other members of 3rd String, plead the 5th). I'm also known as Joseph D. Miller RPh PIC SOB BD and as Joey or Deak (Deakon Doodle). I play mandolin and sing baritone vocals for the band 3rd String. Bluegrass is my passion and favorite, but as you can tell from my site, I'm not narrow minded. I love music. I also play alot of Nirvana, Lynryd Skynyrd, Steve Earle, and any other music that actually takes talent, but not with the mandolin (well maybe a little). My dad is the one person I want to be like, and I thank God for my parents and my 2 brothers, they are my best friends. I most enjoy music of all sorts (except for rap, cause that is not music), and hunting, fishing and my family. I am the very proud parent of three beautiful girls Jacey, Julia, and Jolena. I thank the Lord above for my wife Heather, because if not for her, I'd be lost like a ball in high weeds. She is my life, and my passion. I thank God I have her every day!!!Click here for Myspace glitter graphics and Myspace layouts

My Interests

Bow hunting, Muzzeloader hunting, rabbit hunting, trout fishing, bass fishing, catfishing, so hunting and fishing! Transformers G1, I've got about 200 of them. But playing music and hanging out with my buds from 3rd String and listening to GOOD music also is important. But most importantly is getting to be with my family...namely my mom, dad, brothers, neices, nephew, and my wife and 3 wonderful babies.

I'd like to meet:

Mary Brugnoli and David Drennen, in heaven. Steve Earle for starters (best song writer ever). Also Kurt Cobain, even though I know that is not gonna happen. Pretty sad, I know, for a bluegrass musician. If I ever had the chance, I'd tell Bill, Earl, Lester, Jimmy, and Ole Don Reno that they rocked, in my opinion. I love hard drivin' bluegrass....BUT Without a second guess, Jesus and God when my time is over.


Blue Moon Rising, Nirvana, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Steve Earle, Mountain Heart, Lonesome River Band, Kevin Welch, Poco, Eagles, Alice in Chains, Sound Garden, Stacey Earle, ACDC, The Offspring, James King, The Doors, Blue Highway, Blind Melon, Collective Soul, Enigma, Dwight Yoakam, Candle Box, Wild Fire, Green Day, IIIrd Tyme Out, I Mother Earth, Marah, Flatt and Scruggs, Don Reno, Tim O'Brien


Die Hard, Tombstone, Sling Blade


Sifl n Olly...the only show MTV ever offered!!! And it got canned after 2 seasons!!! X-Files, Reno 911, anything on Animal Planet, Dave Chapelle, House, and American Idol.


I do not read to good n words confuze me Me do not like wordz to much. Does Bluegrass Unlimited and Bluegrass Now count?


My dad, John Miller Also David Drennen...the most closest person to living life the right way that I have ever known. JESUS!!! No one else but Him!!! He is OUR HERO!!! We can only try.