Contemporary Art Gallery
Chacabuco 551 - Buenos Aires, Argentina
New York Times, February 4, 2007
New York Times - view complete note"Making the Most of Those Long Argentine Nights"
[...] To find Appetite , an avant-garde gallery that everyone I met recommended, I had to return to one of San Telmo's less atmospheric blocks. Pop-punk exuberance is Appetite's stock in trade, its walls (and floors) are covered in a profusion of styles , from Ariel Cusnir's paintings of idealized tropical islands and Anabella Papa's witty paintings of beautiful, casual violence (schoolboys brawling, a man attacked by a wolf) to a row of blue plastic shopping bags and a paint can frozen in mid-spill atop a table. [...]
Rolling Stone , December 2006
By Marina Mariasch
“The best of an intense year for art in buenos Aires:
When all the movement seemed to be getting installed at Palermo […] the Daniela Luna tornado opened the appetite with an art gallery in San Telmo and she's taking the scene into her hands. They say that in art schools they’re already writing thesis on her, and though there are some who criticize her, many of the best artists , young and not so young (Lux Lindner, Yanina Szalkowikz, Ana Vogelfang, Juliana Iriart) have shown their work under her wing. …”
D-Mode , May 2006
By Kiwi Sainz
Daniela Luna contradicts astronomic laws, she has the earth at her feet and around her gallery/planet orbit many of the new best artists . […] she carries the gallery with exquisite artist gluttony. It’s well known that artists-run-galleries are the last cry of international art, and Appetite owns the unquestionable prize of the best openings of Buenos Aires . Making excess and experimentation her war shout she journeys strip trash cyberhot aesthetics […] “I feel attracted by technology advances and how this creates new codes and affects the relations. Usually I work using my life as a starting point.” […]”