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I am here for Friends

About Me

I am 24 years old and have a great job of which I am proud. I have a great husband and a wonderful family. I like to sing and write poetry and would one day hopefully be able to write and publish a novel or two.

My Interests

Cats...Dogs....Music...Poetry....Computers...Law Enforcement..Tudor England(Elizabeth 1 and her mother Anne Bolyn)

I'd like to meet:

Music: Hanson...Carrie Underwood...Pink....and EmimnemWriters: Lillian Jackson Braun...Dee Henderson...Terri Blackstock...Anne Mccaffrey....Phillipa Gregory


Country....Gospel...hip hop...modern age...celtic...rap


Happy Feet..Mrs.Winterbourne...Coyote Ugly...XXX...


Girls Next Door...Ghost Hunters...Dog The Bounty Hunter


The Cat Who...anything By Phillipa Gregory...Harper Hall of Pern....Dee Henderson's series Uncommon Heroes and the O'Malley series....


Princess Diana,My Grandmother(Madeline Agan), My mom(s)...(I'm adopted)...My birthmother because she had the courage to give me a better life than what she could adoptive mother because she had the courage to love me though I wasn't hers birthfather for letting me grow up adoptive father because he loved me though I wasn't brother sister Diana.....and my friends that are in the military

My Blog

6 years old

Ok so his birthday is tomorrow, my son. I really cannot believe that it has been six years since my life changed forever. I always get really stupid and sentimental around this time. I just can't beli...
Posted by Christina on Sat, 24 May 2008 11:03:00 PST

moving on

ok enough with the sappy sad  dorky poetry..I'm over it. I start college on Monday I am so excited. My husband and I redecorated the bedroom and are now looking into buying a house because we rea...
Posted by Christina on Sun, 18 May 2008 07:59:00 PST

getting over

Idle thought keep running through my head Crazy ideas screaming into the void I want to talk to you I want to walk with you I don't know why But you have become an Obsession of sorts I feel like I am...
Posted by Christina on Thu, 17 Apr 2008 07:18:00 PST

my mind

My mind My heart is crying my soul is sighing I know my feelings they are wrong But i want them to be very right You know I could have loved you I would have never betrayed you if only: It hadn't be...
Posted by Christina on Sun, 13 Apr 2008 09:20:00 PST


To my friend he knows who he is!   Asking you was hard enough Answering you was even harder Not because of situations But because of my own self image I tried to keep it quiet but when you were a...
Posted by Christina on Mon, 07 Apr 2008 10:01:00 PST


I am having a problem sleeping....don't know why my mind just keeps shreiking loudly inside Wrappin itself around things of old Things I thought had been controlled Despair and misery stay with m...
Posted by Christina on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 12:01:00 PST

name game

The Name Game Current mood: Category: Games   Here's how it goes:Type your name in my blog comments.Once you do that, this is what I'll do for you...1. I'll respond with something random about...
Posted by Christina on Sun, 16 Sep 2007 11:24:00 PST

my dreams have come true

ok well i am soo ecstatic because the dream i have harboured since i was in the tenth grade has finally come true..sort of at least. I have met a impersonator of one of my greatest heroes(Queen Elizab...
Posted by Christina on Sun, 13 May 2007 07:24:00 PST

book progress

so ok its weird...I have the prologue and half of chapter 19  and part of chapter 1. so its continuing slowly...will up date later
Posted by Christina on Fri, 06 Apr 2007 07:22:00 PST

ok here goes nothing

ok here goes....I have never tried this before so I am going to try this.      I am trying to write my first book and so far it is going only so well...I just got over what seems l...
Posted by Christina on Mon, 26 Mar 2007 07:50:00 PST