"I was inspired to open the gallery after visiting the homes of some of young Hollywood's elite...and finding them with big houses, fancy cars, lots of bling...but, no African American Art or really no fine art at all. I strive to educate my friends about art and to introduce them to the pleasure of owning great art. In particular the work of Betye Saar relates to the history of African Americans and how they have fought for survival in this country." ---Angela Robinson
Artist Angela Robinson and husband funnyman
John Witherspoon open Gallery in Burbank.
Artpeace, a unique art gallery of youth, inspiration and camaraderie opened their doors on Saturday January 21st at 6:00 PM, 2317 West Magnolia Blvd. Burbank, CA 91506.
Featured works include such artists as Betye Saar, Talita Long, mother of actress Nia Long, William Attaway ceramist and painter (Venice Boardwalk in 1998), Kadir Nelson, a painter whose work is held in high esteem by Steven Spielberg, Eddie Murphy, Don Cheadle and Will and Jada Smith to name just a few.
Angela Robinson has been an artist her entire life. She remembers getting out of "new math" to do the bulletin boards for her 5th grade teacher. At 19, she was an art director for CBS, and worked closely with Max Robinson and Warner Wolf. Later, she studied at Pratt Institute in New York City. "It is so much fun to teach people that you can light up a room with great art. "I put new slip-covers on my couches and great art on the wall above it, and people love my decor and rarely ask about the sofa....it's all about the art!" Angela’s client base consists of Nicole & Eddie Murphy, and sports personality, Chris Webber, Shaquille O’Neal, Alonzo Mourning, Sharon Stone and many others.
The Artpeace Gallery is opened Thursday – Saturday 11a – 6p and Sunday Noon – 5p. For a private appointment or for inquiries please call The Artpeace Gallery at 818 846 8688.
Visit us at www.artpeacegallery.com