AMY † profile picture


The Price of Hating Other Human Beings is Loving Oneself Less, By India Arie-----Faith is not believ

About Me

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..MY SONS...=).

My Interests

I would LOOOVE to own *My Dream Car* someday.. a **1969 CAMARO**!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...................................... ............................................................ ......********CLASSIC********..
Cool Slideshows..
Cool Slideshows..
Cool Slideshows..
Cool Slideshows........

I'd like to meet:

GOD..... And Reunite with my FATHER.




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I LOOOOVVVE TO READ! Reading helped me grow in so many ways; SPIRITUALLY AND MENTALLY!!! My favorites are: 1st THE BIBLE, AND I enjoy SELF-IMPROVEMENT/SPIRITUAL books. SUCH AS, "THE PURPOSE DRIVEN LIFE," by Rick Warren. "YOUR BEST LIFE NOW," by Joel Osteen. "GOD IS IN THE SMALL STUFF, and it ALL matters." by Bruce Bickel. And "TAKE A CHANCE," by Joseph Ilardo. And this list will Grow…

My Blog

Vallejo is my "Bucket" and Huntington Beach is my "POND!" MY favorite motivating Story,

     MY favorite story..       In the story, a frog was born at the bottom of a small, circular well. He and his family lived there, and he was quite conte...
Posted by AMY on Wed, 08 Feb 2006 08:33:00 PST