A hundred thousand welcomes! For all those Time Guardians marooned in this time, come home, Lads. I know you'd like to meet up with your soul mate in the present. It's inevitable that you shall in some lifetime, but there's no guarantee you will during this incarnation. I've got a bed and meals to help you bide your time. How else would I amass the best men-at-arms for my standing army? The door's open. To keep the Brothers busy, the lads still study Post-modern Alchemy in order to crack the harmonies' Great Mystery, are developing a special brand of cigar, and don blackwatch plaid to march in castle parades whenever tourists gather. There's plenty of vehicles to keep you busy. Ready to test your skill at flying a helicopter? And there's a stone circle outside the castle walls if you want to cut and run. Most importantly, some faeries are up to no good. We need you to fight the war raging among the Gods.And some bard caught wind of us... Skhye Moncrief. Her website timeguardians.com is still under construction. But I have a link to her myspace in "my friends" below. So, don't worry too much about info leaking out yet. Whatever you do, mum's still the word. Remember Code. You wouldn't want your soul banned from The Cycle. ~Duke Ronat
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