Here you will read about the origins of Production Group extraordinaire "Die Schwesters", their friends, passions and extracurriculum activities...
"Die Schwesters" started their journey 3 years ago, on a miserably rainy day, when a soaking wet Goni Riskin walked to her fateful interview as a photographer for budding fashion magazine " Boutique ". From the moment the editor, Michal Ehrman, laid eyes on the long lanky wet girl, it was love at first sight (site). Together, the pair embarked on their mission to create fashion mayhem in Israel. Singlehandedly responsible for the fashionable comeback of Yiddish, they launched "Jew Power" - a series of articles, photo editorials and fashionable merchandise to revive the language and sexiness of a culture long forgotten. Currently they are too busy producing, photographing, editing and writing to finish this bio.
Meanwhile, check out our shtetl project here:
Some of our other works...
Goni's site