I'm Eugene. I'm like SO in right now. Fro said, "Without deviation from the norm, 'progress' is not possible.", he's a good friend and he's right. What changes though? I belive objects stay the same, it's the definition which changes. When I was 5 all i wanted to do was to fly like the man on TV, when one day i jumped off the top of my sofa i discovered - with a bang - that i couldn't. I still want to fly though,I haven't changed, i just don't face plant off chairs on purpose, much. Feelings I can only propose are also objects. Feelings don't change, peoples definition changes. I love every old or faulse incarnation of everything I ever said i did. I love it when when people say nice things like "Holy shit! I never realised you were so good at blading!" or "Na, your amazin at skiing..." Stuff like this is WELL nice to hear but as much as i let it boost my moral i know it's all based on a different scale to the one i measure my self on or even that which other people might. I love What I do, I love the people I do them with and more than that I love Jo.
Eugene Mackie Season Edit 2009 from EMK on Vimeo .