Hi, I'm Bobbi.
I'm the girl that can't make Easy-Mac.
I'm a MN kid for life.
I love all types of A R T
Photography is my thing.
I love body mods.
I'm not afraid to two-step like a bro.
I play video games more than any girl you'll meet.
The world that we life in today is dying. I don't know if you people notice all the shit that is happening today in the world. This is going to be really deep..you guys can see a side of me most peopl... Posted by Bobbi Br00t4l [MN]BlingBling* on Sat, 09 Jun 2007 09:10:00 PST
}|{ Some Randoms }|{
1. }|{ It's a butterfly
2. I'm at work
3. I'm bored
4. I have a head ache
5. I hope Bryan come to visit me
6. I miss Alexis =P
7. I can't wait for school to be over
8. I wish I could drive
9. I really... Posted by Bobbi Br00t4l [MN]BlingBling* on Mon, 04 Jun 2007 03:56:00 PST