About Me
ModMySpace Profile CustomizerFilmdirector working in sweden with fiction and documentary films... I live by the simple rule of Universal Law... What goes around comes around!Ive started out as a stillphotograper in the late 90´s working mostly with music magazines and record companies. Then I tuned in to filmdirecting and thats about the whole story...I use myspace to look for new music, and to find music for my films..."If one sets a car on fire, that is a criminal offence. If one sets hundreds of cars on fire, that is political action." nice quote...Some photos from the summer 2007...OHM - End Of My Line Musicvideo by Jonas EmbringSHOWREEL Jonas Embring, short episodes from three of my shortfilms "SLÅ TILLBAKA", "EN SPRITSAGA" & "FRANK". See the full lengt versions on my you tube account.En Spritsaga Shortfilm directed by Jonas Embring (part 1)En Spritsaga Shortfilm directed by Jonas Embring (part 2)