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About Me

I am a Lightdesigner. I put my creativity in my work. This is my lightwork :-) .. I also make set designs, this is some of the rockbands i have toured with, designed both set and lights. My portfolio goes like this: 1980-97 Lightdesign and -board operator on Roskilde og Midtfyns festival together with Paradise Tour Production, (Seelite).1981-83 Lightoperator on various turnes with: Charles Aznavour, Russian iceballet, 1981-01 Lightdesigner-operator og scenografi on various. turnes with: Woxpop*, Lis Sorensen*, Kasper Vinding*, Gnags, Marqee De Sade*, Anne Linnet*, Dodo and the Dodo's*, Gangway*, og Dizzy mizz Lizzy*,. 1997-01 Lightoperator on various turnes with: kim Larsen.1986-88 Minerva film: opbygning af Studios og redigerings lokaler.1988-94 Design og produktion af lavvoltssystem for Veldhoven of Scandinavia, design of lights in showrooms,in Denmark og Sweden.1990-96 Lightmaster and designer on a rov of TV- and videoproduktions: Hallo-Hallo*, Lisbeth Dahl's Det ka' man da ikke*, Mandag mandag*, Life in Concert*(and set design), Monrad og Rislund Video*, og Mand ingen Adgang*.1992 Design of light in diskotek Montmatre in Cbh.1994-95 Teaching in TV-lighting on the Danish Filmschool, '94 and '95.1998 Teaching scenografs in TV-lighting on the Danish Design School.2000 Teaching TV tilrettelaggere og producers on the Danish Filmschool.2000 Lightmaster og design on "Red Barnet gallashow" i Tivoli.*2001 Lightdesigned the play "Heksehyl" for Jytte Abildstrom.*2001 Out of Control i Paris.*2002 Novellfilm "HVEM DU END ER"1997-06 Fuldtime lightfreelancer (lysmester), on DR (Danish national television), on these produktions:Slots koncert* , TV-A, Laegens Bord, Bogart, Kaj og Andrea, Viden om, Reimer Bo, Efterlyst*, Plan-B*, Skattefrilordag*, Helt arligt mand*, Her er dit liv*, Kald mig Mads*, Berthelsen*, Boogie TV*, Debatten*, Sport 2002*, AHA,* Junior*, Gintberg*, go rov og go weekend*,. Drengene fra Angora*, Pling bing*, Tema lordag*, Sigurt og bigbandet*, Clement kontra*, Chefredaktorene..s klub, Smagsdommerne*, Hunnishow*, den 11 time*,Boogielisten/opdate*,Duellen og Partilederdebatten valg 2007*, Tema diva Callas*, Skæg med tal*, Spam*, Det Kongelige Spetakel*, P3 live Ravonetts*, Gepetto*,.----------* The ones marked with a star *, are my lightdesign.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

.................Creative people................. d=1036915978

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My Goggel search

Keywords forRobert Juhladvertisement   1. "Liga dk" (2005) TV Series [Lighting Designer]   2. "Planet X" (2005) TV Series [Lighting Technician]   3. Temalørdag: Da Vinci ...
Posted by on Tue, 01 Jan 2008 13:00:00 GMT