emosi roller coaster maya ^palie^ profile picture

emosi roller coaster maya ^palie^

I am here for Friends

About Me

emosi ku bak roller coaster... berputar2... lalu org menjerit2... haha... padan muka, sapa suruh p naek roller coster... actlly i xde idea nak describe myself... it just part of me... still verifying my own identity... it's call process "pramatang"... =P... i luv music!!!.. neway, i think is time 2 make a frenz and may b if i ask u 2 b my frenz... i hope u all sudi2 la ye... hahaha~

My Interests

www.frenster.com/xxpaliexx it's evrythin inside...

I'd like to meet:

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i wanna this... nak,nak...
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