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Melle Mel's" ~ ORIGINAL FLAVOR® ~Design Studio / Art Gallery located in the New Harvest~Multi-Media Group, at 1675 Arlington Ave. ~ Columbus, OH 43211 or contact directly @ (614) 258-9533 ([email protected])

ORIGINAL FLAVOR® ~ DESIGN STUDIO is our Division that has now progressively evolved into a One-Stop Graphic Design, Printing, Multi- Media, Photography, Visual Communication Art business entity. "Originally Designed with US in Mind" Specializing in creating Original Art, Logos, Customized Graphic Designs, Apparel, Merchandising, Marketing, Advertising and Promotional materials. Updating the Image Identity for individual clients, groups, organizations & businesses that are being newly created, recently established, emerging, or well established, yet in need of taking their current Graphic Image needs to a progressively innovative fresh perspective to target and appeal to a more diverse and /or specific market to allow them to move the next level. Focusing on creating Original Art that reflects today’s Multi-Cultural Images, utilizing various means of Artistic/ Creative expression, yet with both an Artist’s aesthetic Design focus as well as a practical quantitative business mind- set. As a result adding value to your Products & Services offered by creating solutions that have both unique creative elements merged with innovative yet rational business ideas from your Original idea concept to its final completion.
* Melvin “Melle Mel” Robinson, Jr. * (~Bio~) * (Art Director ~ Visual Artist) Born: May 15th, a Chicago, ILL. native and Multi-Talented Artist whose God-given creative talents were encouraged by both Parents, Family members and recognized by others at the early age of 5. He then later graduated from the talent-filled Glenville High School in Cleveland, with specialized emphasis in Fine Art & Industrial Arts. He was voted the Most Artistic Graduating Senior by his peers. During the summer he completed course work to receive Certificates in Graphic Design & Technical Illustrations at The NASA-Lewis Research Center. He then majored in Architecture & Industrial Design at The Ohio State University, while a Varsity Lettermen as a member of The OSU-Varsity Track Team. After several years he combined his formal education, training, and experience along with his natural talents leaving school early when a unique opportunity came to fulfill his ambition to become a full-time Professional Visual Artist.
“Melle Mel” is a regional, widely exhibited, Award-winning, Multi-skilled Visual Artist with over 20 years of direct Professional experience in Graphic Art & Design, widely known for his prolific array of Original Artwork, Paintings, Logo Designed Apparel Lines, Frat & Soror 'Nalia, Entertainment/ Party Flyers and Marketing, Advertising & Promotional work. Many were utilized in various Media Publications and as Set Props which received Nationwide exposure and appeal as Designs modeled in Local TV & National Cable TV Commercials, when he served back in the mid-80’s as the most highly demanded Premier Graphic Artist and Advertising Graphics Specialist (Custom Airbrushing, Screen printing, Embroidery, Artistic Apparel, Media & Print Ads) of the highly successful Multi-Million dollar Columbus-based Artistic Sportswear & Leisure Apparel 22-retail chain stores of the now "infamous"~Just Sweats, Inc. (See the book titled "Insured for Murder" and/or "America's Most Wanted" most watched episodes for information on that infamous-real life-drama.)
"Melle Mel" emerged unaffected and then moved on to become owner of his own Customized Cultural Designs of ORIGINAL ARTIFACTS~ Specialty Shop & Bookstore, which he co-founded with his business partner, Keith B. Key. Both were former OSU Student-Athletes, (Track-MR / Football-KBK) who while in College became Friends, Fraternity Brothers and actively engaged in many Service, Social, Philanthropic, Activists and Cultural Activities on Campus, the Local Community and some National levels. These Men later combined their talents, abilities, experiences and visions into a complimentary business framework, which became Original Artifacts. Their Campus area store had the unique pioneering effort & history making accomplishment of being the First-ever African-American owned-&-operated retail business battling its’ way into Columbus, Ohio’s highly competitive OSU-Campus (America's Largest Student Population/Campus) High St. business area in 1991.
Its Mission was to help fill the void of a Culturally-oriented business focusing on the Africentric needs & Culturally Diverse population at Ohio State and it's surrounding Urban communities. This Custom Design Shop & Cultural Bookstore became one of the earliest creators & successful companies of Original Art/Logo Designed Sportswear, based on "Original Art" -&-“Facts” creatively applied upon Africentric-Inspired Apparel, Urban Conscious/Hip-Hop Clothing, Accessories, Authentic African Cultural Artifacts and Books with facts to inform their customers of the knowledge behind the Cultural images & objects that exploded around the Country's College Campuses and Urban Cities during that time. Thereby, offering Original Products, Innovative ideas, Unique Artistic Services introducing OSU & local Columbus Urban markets for the first-time to various new merchandise (Original Artifacts' Logowear, it's own lines of African-Inspired Imaged Frat/Soror 'Nalia, Customized Airbrushing, Silk-Screen printing, Embroidery, Negro League Gear, Spike Lee/40~Acres, HBCU/ African-American College Alliance Sweatsuits, Mo' Evans Abstract Art Tees, various new Black Author's Books, Big City Brotherman Comics, Heru, Black Greeting Cards and so many more firsts) bringing new Regional & National trends with emphasis on positive Multi-Culturally Images of US, Diverse Interaction & Re-Education. Many of his Original and most popular Designs, Styles & Trends spread throughout the Nation’s Urban Cities and College Campuses at Pan-Hellenic Councils on Paraphernalia at Frat/Soror's Local- Regional- National Conventions, Expos, National Festivals, Sports Classic Events & Hip-Hop Fashion Shows. Also worn in some of the popular Music Videos of Chubb Rock, Public Enemy, George Clinton & P-Funk All-Stars’ Customized Concert Apparel, X-Clan ~BlackWatch Movement, on R&B Recording Artists ~Jade, on Super-Model Iman, on actors in “There are No Children Here”, an ABC made for TV-Movie starring, Oprah Winfrey, to name a few.
By 1992 & 1993 as members of the UCBA (University Community Business Association) Original Artifacts’ was often honored with several awards and various exclusive business contracts and seen in various media publications. The only 2-time Art Logo/Theme winner of United Black World Week/Month. Awarded with providing all the Graphic Advertising, Print Media materials, Programs, Brochures, Official Posters, Flyers, Official Apparel for Black History Month, the OSU-Heritage Festivals in its prime (originally known as "The Block Party" @10,000+) The 1st-ever African-American Farewell/OSU-Graduation Ceremony, creating Africentric Invitations, Program Covers, decorated Grad Caps and Kente Clothe Stoles. Cover Art & Graphics Editor for the Award-winning & groundbreaking Issues of OSU-BlackWatch News Magazine. Art for Student Organizations, OSU-Athletes, other Colleges, Community organizations, Local Businesses and City contracts. Recipients of Ohio State Council of Business Administration’s New Venture Award, due to overwhelming commercial business success as well as Campus Social & Civic involvement in Re-education & Cultural Diversity. Sponsors of various Cultural events & Local Community Service Activities. Creating employment for 4-college & 2-high school students, Urban League/P.I.C, Teen Brightside, internships, mentorships, emerging African-American businesses or up-&-coming entrepreneurial enterprisers. A retail outlets for local/new works by Musicians, Poets, Singers, Rappers, DJ-Mixes not usually afforded to them by other main- stream business entities. Serving as a meeting place for impromptu group discussions, important community forums, linking African /African-Americans & other Ethnic Cultures together emphasising Cultural Consciousness & Re-Education.
By late 1994 the Original Artifacts business entity had rapidly outgrown its commercial retail space and was in search of another affordable lease site in the same competitive, prime location area, yet large enough to suit their needs to expand and add other progressively innovative dimensions to their business. Negotiations began with the Director of the Dr. Frank W. Hale, Jr. OSU-Black Cultural Center, since at that time the existing building’s new renovations & expansion plans were underway. A proposal with Architectural plans were drawn up showing a potential retail space provided as had been mutually agreed upon awaiting the final funding approval for Hale Center’s continual new expansion. As a joint venture a new Original Artifacts would be housed inside this expanded facility as a new Specialty /Gift Shop now directly on the campus of Ohio State. (~which would have been another African-American Business First) Unfortunately due to a change of the guard in the position of new OSU-President and controversial new re-structuring plans for the Office of Minority Affairs’ hierarchy, (~which led to the longest student protest in OSU-History) as time passed this plan was delayed and eventually cancelled. The unique campus area store known as Original Artifacts was now left without retail space options. Eventually planning began for the new OSU-Gateway Project, thus ending building site locations for any independent & minority-owned businesses, creating opportunities for the large Mainstream Corporate Retail Chain conglomerations to takeover the remaining prime High St. business sites. Nonetheless, many of his Original Most Popular Designs, Styles & Trends, spun off to influence many others and are still imitated & copied throughout the Industry today. (Imitation is sometimes a sincere form of flattery~"So I Ain't Mad at Ya!")
During this brief hiatus "Melle Mel" went on to establish ORIGINAL FLAVOR to further Artistically expand upon his skills and compliment the business concepts he had at Original Artifacts, while utilizing this time to expand his abilities into the Design, Printing, Fabrication, Production and Corporate Sales of Residential -Commercial -Industrial -Corporate Signs for a well-established Columbus-based Graphics & Signage Company.
By 1995 "Melle Mel" was again highly sought after to further transition his Artistic career into the standardize procedures, rules & regulatory guide- lines of Graphic work specifications required for County Government Graphics & Signage. With his Department Office/Workshop now located in Downtown Columbus in the Franklin County Courthouse Government Complex within Public Facilities Management. PFM received numerous Local & National Awards for exceptional performance in the stewardship of its' County Facilities. While working under the auspices of the Franklin County Commissioners, "Melle Mel" served as the only Franklin County Sign & Graphics Technician. Thereby overseeing all 28-County buildings grounds & sites, single-handedly bringing his department’s work area up to date, more efficient production skills and turn-around time equal to or better than most outside private sector Graphic businesses and bringing its undertakings to the upgrade standards into the New Y2K/ Millennium. Eventually moving to other work for a stint for the State of Ohio.
All the while staying abreast and in-tune with Computer-based Graphic Design as well as the Fine Art Markets. "Melle Mel" found himself constantly urged and drawn "Black by Popular Demand" entrepreneurially into seeking a part in some capacity or another in the Artistic/ Creative areas of business. Yet in the direction of continuously expanding his plans by further engaging in multiple areas of focus by setting up his ORIGINAL FLAVOR® ~Design Studio /Art Gallery. After several more years he began to collaborate in conjunction with another former Chicago-based enterpreneur and friend, Kwodwo Ababio and formulating a One-Stop Shop Facility for all Visual Art- Graphic Design- Print- Multimedia- Artistic Apparel, etc. needs to form the New Harvest~Multi-Media Group, LLC in Columbus' newly revitalized Linden Business Area located inside the NHC-Urban Arts Complex.
ORIGINAL FLAVOR® ~Design Studio in conjunction with the New Harvest ~ Multi-Media Group, brings together several of the very best Visual Artists & Business Enterprises well experienced in multiple discipline areas of Graphic Art & Design, Illustration, Computer Graphics, Multimedia Production in one facility. Specializing in Original Graphic Designs, Logos, Flyers, Posters, Book Illustrations, Magazines, Menus, Brochures, Event Programs, Pamphlets, Newsletters, Letterhead, Business Cards, Greeting Cards, Tickets, Invitations, B/W Copies, Full Color Printing, Marketing, Advertising and Promotional Merchandizing, Image Identity Packages, Product Branding, Decals, Buttons, Specialty Items, DVD/CD Cover Art Packaging, Airbrushing, Screenprinting, Embroidery, Transfers, Applique & Crafts on Apparel: The Nation’s Livest Customized Old-School Frat/Soror ‘Nalia, T-Shirts/Sweats, Denim Jackets, Jeans, Shorts, Skirts, Leathers, Athletic Warm-Ups, Gym-Shoes/Boots, Caps/Hats, Bookbags, Airbrush Body Art for Models, Fashion & Hair Shows, Vehicle Graphics, Auto Body, Hoods, Doors, Motorcycles, Gas Tanks, Helmets, Digital Imaging, Photography, DVD Photo Montages, Video/Film, TV/Radio Commercial, Voice Over Ads, Websites, Interior/Exterior Signage, Business Signs, Windows, Store Front Kiosk Stands, Flags, Banners, Wall Murals, Billboards, Canvas Backdrops for On-site Event Photos, Clubs, Parties, School Sports, Graduations, Reunions, Churches, Weddings, Set Props, Theatre /Play Stages, Interior Design/Decor, Drafting Plans, Scale Renderings, etc...all "Originally Designed with US in Mind", from Your Original Idea Concept to its Final Completion.ORIGINAL FLAVOR® ~ ART GALLERY

ORIGINAL FLAVOR® ~ ART GALLERY In addition to offering the above Products, Services and Innovative ideas ~ ORIGINAL FLAVOR® ~ ART GALLERY is the Division of this Visual Communication Art Firm simultaneously forging into the progressively upscale markets by launching into the Fine Art arena of Residential and Corporate Commissioned Original Paintings and production of serveral Quality Signature Limited Editions Print Collections & Posters. Original Artwork to be sold directly from our Artists, Art Agents, Dealers & Sales Representatives from our Home Office/Gallery Collections or in Upscale Specialty Shops, Cafes, Coffee Shops, Art Galleries, Art Exhibits/Shows or Private & Public Art Auctions. Also the procurement of Unique Custom Home Furnishings, Cultural items & "One-of-a-Find" Accessories. While collaborating and Marketing other Artists, Designers, Craftspersons & Talents of the Arts in this ever-evolving facility as Art Director of the New Harvest ~Urban Arts Complex. Also the upcoming development of an “Inter-active Virtual Art Gallery/Internet Web Site” as an additional component of its expanding entrepreneurial creative endeavors.
"Melle Mel" has professional Artist-Memberships in A.C.E. Gallery (Art for Community Expression), The Ohio Art League, Nommo Society (First World Artists Collective) and a charter/membership with the Columbus Museum of Art ~Society of African-American Art, currently sits on the Board of Directors of The Urban Cultural Arts Foundation @ The William H. Thomas Art Gallery / Kwanzaa Park Playground, spearheaded The Omega-Graphics/M.A.P. (Marketing-Advertising-Promotions) Committee, Art Judge for various Events & Art Centers, NAACP~ACT-SO Artist Mentor, Youth Summer Job Leader @ Neighborhood House, Inc. and countless Fraternal offices and committees of Social Action, CommUnity Service, Youth-Oriented & Cultural Activities of Uplift ongoing to date.
"Melle Mel’s" Original Artwork in his paintings reflect a highly personal, unique, yet versatile style of images created to depict the essence of a captured moment and Spirit in Time & Space. (Past, Present or Future) Some Art reflects a never ending action-packed image. Either of which enables the viewer to have a highly visual encounter & experience with the subject matter or peek into some of the incidents & influences that has formed parts of his personality in his various Artistic expression.
"Melle Mel’s" Jazz-inspired & other popular themes of Commissioned Art are in various Private Art Collections throughout the United States, Canada and several countries in West & South Africa. A Concert Promoter and Band members presented his Artwork as a 1988-Birthday gift to (the late) Jazz Legend, Miles Davis. During this literal "once-in-a-lifetime" meeting, Mel took this opportunity to discuss with Mr. Davis that he was not only an avid young Jazz fan, but also what he had been slowing developing with Artwork in conjunction with Live Jazz Bands and Miles’ current and past Recorded Music. During this discussion Mr. Davis impressed upon him how he though his work was unique, also that he had recently begun to dabbled in some spontaneous Art sketches and made painting of his own which help put him at peace, and to further inspire his own Musical creative energy flow in composing and arranging Musical works for himself and his band members. "Miles" said how much he liked the originality of Mel's idea and the potential of this innovative “Jazz-Art-Fusion” endeavor he had begun. "Miles" advised and encouraged Mel to strive forward to continue to further develop his new innovative Artistic idea into a more genuine level of an Art form. Thereby, "Melle Mel" became the originator of a progressively innovative Original Art creation style genre dubbed, “LaJazArt”, (Live ~Audience ~Jazz ~Art) ~ Original Artwork-in-progress being created Live simultaneously onstage with a Live Jam Session or Jazz Concert performance.
This eventually led to "Melle Mel" creating "LaJazArt" onstage with such great International Jazz Headliners as Ms. Mercedes Ellington’s (Grand-daughter of the late Jazz Legend “Duke” Ellington) “Symphony & Swing” ~Music & Dance Troupe, The World Famous~Count Basie Orchestra and the Top-10 National Jazz Recording Artist & Saxophonist: “The Saxtress” Ms. Pamela Williams (Heads Up Productions-Red Ink-Shanachie Record Labels) Including all the finest Top Local Jazz Bands, Vocalists and Musicians @ Salvi's / Jazz-Flight ~106.3 FM-WCKX Weekly Live Radio Broadcasts, Jazz-&-Eggs, with Gene Walker’s Generations Band, (the now late) Hank Marr, Jim Rupp, Jim Mantz, Bobby Floyd Trio, Mary McClendon, Earl Love, Jeanette Williams(-Brewer), Jimmi Hammonds, Tommy Moore, Pharez Whitted (Motown~MoJazz Label), Jazz Patrol, by Special Request with 30-East Jazz Band @ The Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.~4th-District Convention Founder’s Banquet, Moxie ~featuring Mary Daniels, Urban Jazz Coalition (currently #11 on the Smooth-Jazz Chart), The Governor~featuring Dolly, The Ken Weaver Trio & Nex Level @ The Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. ~Annual Jazz-Fusion, The T. Michael Branner Conceptet @ The Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. ~Annual Evening of the Arts Auction. Thereby, helping to bring both Art Lovers and Live Jazz Band admiring audiences together as they see, hear, meet face-to-face, touch, feel & simultaneously share the Live experience of these spontaneous improvisational “Works-in-Progress” being created and expressed.
* * Artist's Statement * * “One question always pondered... ~ Is it the Man (or Woman) that makes the Time -or- is it the Times, that makes the Man? For me both parts of this question hold Universal Truth with neither part negating the other. Therefore, my Original Art often depicts reflections of the Spirit & State of our Society (Individually/Collective) and on a deeper level, where Our Culture resides in a Historical Context on the Scales of Humanity”
Specialized ART Skills: Pencil, Pen/Ink Illustration, Collage, Clay, Water -color, Acrylic /Oil Painting, Air-Brushing, Silk-Screen Printing, Computer Graphic Design, Digital Photography, Murals, Interior Design /Decor, Drafting /Scale Renderings, Set Design /Props, Interior /Exterior Signage and @ =“LaJazArt” ("Live~Audience~Jazz~Art")

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

The G.O.A.T.=Muhammad Ali, Winnie Madikizela (Mandela), Nelson Mandela, Assata Shakur, Mumia Adu-Jamal, Jim Brown, Mrs. Camille Cosby, Astronaut Mae Jamison, Dancer Judith Jamison, Educators Johnetta Cole and Marva Collins, Dr. Ben Carson, Malik/Betty Shabazz's Daughters, Coretta/MLKing's Children. Also Pam Grier, Nona Gaye, Abassador Susan Rice, Dawn Robinson & Ms. Nia Long! (for obvious personal reasons :-)
Artists/ Designers/ Craftspersons/ Actresses/ Entertainers/ Models/ Media Personalities/ Authors/Scholars of Cultural Consciousness / Activists/ Elders/ Nation Builders/ Warriors/ Culturalist/ Nationalists/ Pan-Africanists/ Revolutionaries/ etc.... And All those that Speak the Truth to Power! ...and of course All Da~Bruhz on the Planet ...& Beyond. (Roo!)

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You May Lose All the Rights to Every Piece of Art You Have Ever Created!

You May Lose All the Rights to Every Piece of Art You Have Ever Created!Orphan Works Or, How You May Lose All the Rights to Every Piece of Art You Have Ever Created!..On April 5th, 2008, I interviewed...
Posted by on Sun, 20 Apr 2008 23:36:00 GMT