Music, histories, mythologies, philosophy, human psychology, alcohol, instruments,art, interesting people with reasonable thoughts, horses, religions... - Deadly pictures, gothic horror, sick layouts - Deadly pictures, gothic horror, sick layouts
Imagines the world without music....
A tree died without sheets...
A gray world without colors or smells.
of this way is the life without music...
Without emotions....
Without alleviation...
Without beauty - Deadly pictures, gothic horror, sick layouts
Burzum, windir, Summoning, abazagorath, aeternus, utuk-xul, absu, mayhem, beherit, behexen, darkthrone, immortal, black down, Naer mataron, ancient rites, azaghal, lord belial, cephalic carnage, berserk, emperor, cyhiriaeth, falkenbach, bathory, burzum, celtic frost, vader, finntroll, forestdome, abigor, pazazu, grabesmond, urgehal, venom, grief of emerald, kampfar, godlessnorth, graveland, uruk-hai, marduk, gorgoroth, moonsorrow, ragnarok, nargaroth, moonblood, nazgul, nocturnal mortum, vital remains, naglfar, setherial, gehenna, enslaved, dissection, sykdom, morker, heidenreich, helwulf, behemoth, black funeral, old funeral, nifelheim, and oceans, troll, syklon-b, syklon,besatt, stormlord, evol, nattefrost, vintersorg, taake, darkestrah, nonexistence, handful of hate, inchiuvatu, lapis niger, melancolia estatica, mortuary drape, nazgul, noctifer, helheim, odious, isengard, samael, a forest, bulldozer, aborym, burial place, draugr, flagellun dei, frootmoon, gosforth, and more black metal-
solstafir, watain, rotting christ, virgin black, forever slave,vidres a la sang, horna, kult ov azazel, abazagorath, pest, urgehal, tsjuder, ljÃ…,
How METAL is your face!?
Thank satan for this, but you are """DARK FUNERAL""" your face is BLACK METAL!!! not to be confused ratially...
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What do you believe in?
..You believe in the healing power of music. Music fills your mind and heart. You believe in the power of everything from Evanescence to Beethoven! Good for you!
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do you know black metal
wow good you know alot
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the rose red is one of my favorites movies, Eurotrip, The lord of the rings, another gay movie...!! I prefer, the horror movies and comedy!!
discovery thc, infinito...
Verónika decide morir, El corazón delator, Más allá de el bien el mal, El anticristo, Biblia vampirica, Entrevista con el vampiro, Berenice, Enamorado de una muerta, La daga, Divina cómedia, Necronomicon, El enebro, Código Da Vinci, lestat el vampiro, la reina de los condenados, la mascara de la muerte roja... etc, etc, etc. Wow any book of Anne Rice, Edgar allan Poe, the amazing Nietzsche and others.
I have no heroes!! - Deadly pictures, gothic horror, sick layouts