My name is Damn Mandy and I am the lead singer of Velveteen Muff. We are a start up band and we are the WINNERS of the First Annual Unknown-American All Girl Punk Band Contest Drawing. Yes, we are a dysfunctional band and yes, I'm a raging alcoholic lesbian who can't admit that I am a....raging alcoholic... but I have to get off the bottle quick because of this contest! You see, the problem is, we don't have any material. (Start up band, remember?) Well, the whole recording thing is supposed to go down soon so we have to get along with each other long enough to actually write a song. Or two. Or three.Cizzle (pronounced "Sizzle") can play the drums like no body's business but the rest of us are kinda lacking in the talent dept. And now we've won a free recording session at SS Productionz (recording studio) and holy sh*t, "Mr. K" at Brian Bros Records is going to actually listen to our material!!! We could actually get a record contract outta the deal, but....wait a sec...start up band plus no talent probably doesn't equal recording contract. But hey! You never know, right? We're like an underdog band. Like the "BAD NEWS BEARS" of punk rock.Oh, and the craziest part about this whole thing (aside from winning a contest that we weren't even qualified to win) is that Nick Avery from "MUSIC ACCESS!" has a film crew following us around and we're gonna be on a Reality TV show when all this is said and done! I still can't believe it myself. Well, that's all I can think of for now. WISH US LUCK. (Cuz we're gonna need it)...
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
Mr. K and "The Talent"... especially "The Talent" cuz they're HOT!!!
My Blog
Don't Read Unless You Give A Shit
OK, so its amazing what we will do when we have a deadline. Like... I dunno, write songs and stuff... Here's what we got so far:
Song #1 "Red Trails"; Song #2 "Im'o Drink"; Song #3 "Ode... Posted by on Tue, 01 May 2007 14:04:00 GMT
Don't Read Unless You Are Mr. K from B-Bros Records
Dear Mr. K,
We heard what you said about our band. Fuck you very much. Just want you to know that we will prove you wrong. You'll see.
Damn Mandy Posted by on Fri, 09 Feb 2007 20:38:00 GMT
Don't Read Unless You're A Rich Investor
If you are an investor looking for a small production company to invest in (in order to make all their dreams of wealth and success come true; kinda like Oprah always gives away cool prezzies to ... Posted by on Fri, 19 Jan 2007 14:36:00 GMT