WWE Wrestling, TNA Wreslting, MLB Baseball, Website Design, Computers, MUSIC, Tatoos.
Oh man theres alot of people I would love to meet, Arnold Swartzenigger, Lee Haney, Hulk Hogan, Vince McMahon, Donald Trump, Nickleback, Kiss, Ozzy Ozbourne, Kim Basigner,Eddie Murphy,Julia Roberts, Nicole Kidman,Kristen Dunst,Scarlett Johansson,Angelina Jolie,Lindsay Lohan,Daryl Hannah,Cameron Diaz,Haley Berry,Angelica Huston,Brooke Hogan,Sandra Bolock,Payton Manning,Roger Clemons,Clint Eastwood,Sean Connery,Johnny Dept,Eric Clapton,Michael J. Foxx,Morgan Freeman,Steven King,Eminem,Dre. Dre,SnoopDogg.
Rock N Roll, huge fan of it I love alot good rock, as you can see by my playlist I have alot of older rock n roll 80's and 90's so enjoy it. Some of you may remember some of the songs.
Terminater 1,2,3, Rocky movies, Fast and Ferious,Blade Trinity, mostly any movie with action and sci fi in it.
Hogans knows best, WWE, ESPN, Twilight Zone(Original), TNA Wrestling
The only books I really read are Steven King's novels, Newspaper,Sports Weekly.
Hulk Hogan is one of my personal hereos because the guy is awesome he's had every major bone replaced in his body and the guy still kicks ass, he's great I have had two back operations and I think Hogan is great guy to look up to.