About Me
Billy Joe EARNED his LEAN, MEAN, NO FRILLS and BOISTEROUS approach to the ELECTRIC GUITAR honestly as a rockin' swaggering sideman for such acts as THE FEATHERMEN, JACK'S SCOUTS, CHEZ BOJECK, WHYTEFEATHER, KID SILVER BAND, WILL JOE TRAVEL EXPEDITION, PERCY TUESDAY, ROBBIE BRASS and countless other than main stream configurations of bluesy, rockin', high voltage, loud and progressive bands.
For the last several years, as a bandleader, he's lead several lineups of 'THE ROUGH & READY BILLY JOE GREEN BAND' to the top of the RECORDING & TOURING game, winning:
Nominated for the JUNO AWARD 2002, 2006 & now 2009. Current CD/DVD 'FIRST LAW of the LAND ~ if Broken, return to MAKER' available at McNally Robinson ~ Grant Park, Winnipeg, Yvette's Record Shop ~ Selkirk Ave., Winnipeg, Winnipeg Folk Festival Store ~ Bannatyne Ave at Albert St., Winnipeg, Mb.
THE BEST OF BILLY JOE GREEN ****review by JEFF MONK/WINNIPEG FREE PRESS - BILLY JOE GREEN is one those seemingly ageless Manitoba BLUESMEN who toil in relative obscurity, but continue to please his audiences. THE BEST OF BJG collects 10 HOT TRACKS (and one newly recorded bonus number from his upcoming CD) from three of GREEN'S albums, and it's a doozie of a set. BILLY JOE has a startlingly raw guitar tone that he corrals into making some wonderfully hellacious sounds full of sustain and personality. The dynamics of a track like 'SOUL SEARCH' with it's careening Stratocaster howls and wild dive bombs can be compared to what JEFF BECK has been doing lately and that's a tall order for any guitarist. By pushing contemporary blues to its sonic limits and avoiding tired cliches, BILLY JOE GREEN has created a boisterous body of work.****
"An incredibly talented, diverse and well-traveled musician" writes Roots & Blues Magazine....One of NORTH AMERICA'S premier blues guitar slingers, winner of numerous awards and nominated for a 2001 Juno, Billy Joe's third CD "Muskrat Blues and Rock & Roll", garnered him another Juno nomination in 2006.
From GUITAR TOWN of WINNIPEG to Vancouver to San Francisco to Edmonton and back to GUITARTOWN, Billy Joe has earned and kept his rep intact as one of INDIAN COUNTRY'S TOP GUN ROCK & ROLL GUITARISTS.
"Way back in the woods, among the evergreens" is where Billy Joe first heard the soothing, comforting, thick chords and melodies of his dad's, David Green's guitar. Dad sang the country blues standards of Jimmie Rogers, Hank Williams, Ernest Tubb and Wilf Carter. Uncles Cecil, Fred and especially 'The talking guitar' of Robert 'A-Go' Green, along with brother Richie, helped fuel the fire within the young Billy Joe.
Still in his teens, Billy Joe was asked by guitarist Martin Tuesday to join "The Feathermen", a fiery young group of primarily ANISHINABE musicians. Jumping at the chance he entered the group as second guitarist, but soon learned all the songs and was quickly exchanging lead guitar lines with Tuesday.
When the older members of the Feathermen came of age, they joined the ranks of the then flourishing Winnipeg Main St. club scene. Still under-age, Billy Joe, armed with only a trusty Les Paul Jr., also moved up swiftly into that music scene. It was during the long stint (6 nights and 6 matinees a week) as house band at the notorious playground for INDIAN MUSICIANS the BRUNSWICK HOTEL, that he learned how to live, play and survive the life of a hard playin', hard livin' bluesman.
Like many ANISHINABE, he is a true survivor. Painfully surviving kidnapping by the church and their efforts to de-spiritualize him with 10 years in residential school, a serious bout with tuberculosis and later on a 22 year alcohol addiction. Billy Joe continues to recover spiritually and progress musically. On his upcoming CD project, he writes, plays, sings and talks, along with CLAN BROTHER/LEGAL ADVISOR WAPO PI-I-SEW, about some of the hard core legal issues that has faced the 'INDIAN' over the last 500 years. Unlike other artists, however, he goes out on the limb and also sings about the INTERNATIONAL LEGAL SOLUTION provided by the 45 years of research and the teachings of the MUSA, MEREDITH QUINN. WAPO and Billy Joe have come to learn that the word 'INDIAN' is the true international legal term to describe the ORIGINAL people of NORTH and SOUTH AMERICA, also historically known as 'THE AMERICUSE EMPIRE'.
No where in the pages of history can there be equaled in total, the injustices done to man, when one realizes the injustices done to the INDIAN of this hemisphere. Never has a civilization contributed so much to the comfort of another, such as, the INDIAN did in providing: - a government system, a defensive method, a new freedom, his foods and 95% of his medicines. All that the INDIAN asked was to be left alone and not have their culture disturbed nor their lands destroyed. In turn the INDIAN PEOPLES became a nation without a country: unprotected from exploitation, they became the most suppressed, the hungriest and the sickest. Never has so much land been stolen under a flag of progress and millions upon millions of lives murdered from the table of peace, that not even the great Genghis Kahn, the Pharoahs, Caesars, Natchi or Hitler - totaling their murders, could equal the number of deaths among INDIANS. (estimated by white scholars to number 120 MILLION.)
In the beginning, white men in government agencies converted certain Indians (uncle tomahawks, soup-bone Indians, hang around the fort Indians, Indian Scouts for the US and Canadian military, Indian policemen and the AUTONOMOUS SELL-OUT CHIEF & COUNCIL GOVERNMENTS, etc.) Today we still see them converting Indians, working in these same government agencies. In addition, by allowing the police and military to recruit our young INDIAN men and women into their forces, they knowingly-treasonously have our children give up their allegiance to the INDIAN and give it to the crown.
1. Rebellion or Insurrection against INDIAN NATIONS.
2. Seditious conspiracy against INDIAN NATIONS.
3. Advocating the overthrow of INDIAN GOVERNMENTS.
4. Registration of certain organizations.
5. Activities affecting Police Forces generally.
6. Activities affecting Police Forces during wars.
7. Recruiting for services against INDIAN NATIONS.
8. Enlistment of services against INDIAN NATIONS.
9. Giving aid and comfort to Indians and non-Indians committing these crimes.
How will THESE sell out Indians answer THE CREATOR, when asked, 'DID YOU LIVE THE LIFE AND LIE OF THE WHITEMAN?'
We have also learned that the terms 'first nation', 'native', 'aboriginal', 'metis' etc., are legal terms that place, those who identify themselves as such, UNDER the 'assumed jurisdiction of the crown,' therefore their classification would fall under 'PRISONERS OF WAR.' or 'INHABITANTS.'
The PURPOSE for this additional information is:
to re-educate the world as to the true legal identity of Signatory Tribal People, specifically the Signatory Indian Tribes of North and South America and their descendants.
[eg;] Indian Tribes of the Western Hemisphere, fed the starving world of Europe and
parts of Africa , by fulfilling their responsibility according to the stipulations of a treaty
signed before the sanctioning of the Columbus Commission in 1492. This treaty is known as the Treaty of the Camels Eye, The Eye of Isis and The Eagle Bowl Treaty, and it was signed July 2nd 408 A.D. upon the surrender of the Roman Empire. STILL LAW TODAY, no treaty can be changed without the consensus of all who were originally involved, or their descendants.
The Foundation Of International Law
There are six aboriginal treaties that are the foundation for all international law, hence
from them comes the Law of Nations which has Clanmothers who hold Territorial Right,
also referred to as Cession Jurisdiction. In all International Law including today, Clanmothers hold Title to the Territory of a Nation, both White or Indian.
The Six Aboriginal Treaties
*Wampum Belts
*Canes of Authority
*Peace Pipe Treaties
[These treaties cover all Indian Tribes of North and South America]
*The Seal of Solomon Treaty
[Covers all Blacks, Arabs and Israelites]
*The Paladium of Troy Treaty
[Covers Asia and Minor Asia]
*Noah’s Ark Treaty
[Covers all Anglia, Saxon, Mercia and Northumbrian Groups or The White Tribes of Europe]
The Law of the Signatory Tribes supercedes the domestic law of the white governments both here in what is called Canada and the United States. The United States of America are ruled by Corpus Juris Secundum or Second Law of the Land.. Canada is a Defacto type government or Corporation and is registered on the stock markets of the world as such. Canada goes by Crown Law which is the law of the Crown of England, but remember at the time Rome surrendered it’s power in 408 A.D., England was given the responsibility of fulfilling the articles of the Camel’s Eye Treaty, because England was the second Rome. The ROMAN EMPIRE included the Crown of England, France and Spain. To this day, should you follow the bloodlines of the ROYAL FAMILIES, you will find them to be the descendants of the OLD ROMAN EMPIRE or the ROMAKOS who are the descendants of GREEK ROYALTY.
The RULE OF LAW binding these treaties is followed letter perfect today, and should a SIGNATORY TRIBAL GOVERNMENT be re-established, as it was in 1996, (see THE EXACT PEOPLE OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS) it would protect itself by asserting jurisdiction to stop any type of government from imposing it’s laws and jurisdiction over the Tribal Members.
Federal Destrict Court Judge Warren Urbom, in the case, United States –V- Consolidated Wounded Knee Cases, {Supra. 1975], gave the exact construction of a Tribal Government, when he stated to 65 Sioux Indians trying to prove Sovereignty,
“ this court cannot supply a Casus Omissus in a Treaty any more than in a Lawâ€. Interpreted, he is saying, Clanmothers are the Law. This judge was acknowledging the power of the Clanmother over any Nation.
Judge Urbom in the case, United States –v- Consolidated Wounded Knee Cases supra.
gave the exact construction of a Tribal Government, which made the members Signatory
Indians and members making up the Tribe.
When the Beda [Bedea] Scholars of England rewrote and retranslated the Christian Bible in the 1500’s from the old version of 451 A.D., they purposely omitted one complete book and the name of this book can be found in the new Bible-Numbers 21:14. The Monarchy of any Tribal Government are called: Angels; Daughters of the Great Spirit or Pure Light. To be a member of a Signatory Tribe, you must belong to a clan that is ruled by a Clanmother who appoints Chiefs to speak on behalf of her clan. The entire Tribe ruled by Clanmothers, Angels, Pure Light, or Daughters of the Great Spirit, become the
Title Owners of the Sovereign Territories. The exception to this are the 5,6, and 7 Nations that were Indian Tribes created by George Washington who signed Treaties with them trying to replace the power of the Clanmothers of the Iroquois Confederacy.The origional Iroquois Confederacy was 52 Nations .[People for the State of New York –v- Boots; Co, Ct. N. Y. ]
“It is of little consequence to me on who you are because everyone here is a descendant from a Tribe that make up the Six Aboriginal Treaties that are the Foundation of all
International Law.†[Meredith Quinn--- International Legal Advisor, of the Dakota Empire, registered with the United Nations.]
According to Tribal Custom and Usage, all children born are Signatory and until they reach the age of accountability, where they place their allegiance often makes them Ambiquous Indians with a Quasi-Sovereign position. Ambiguos; Meaning Doubtful if they are Indians. As there is doubt caused by their own admission, they become Quasi-Sovereign. [They may appear so, but are not Sovereign.] Elk-v-Wilkins.
Corporate Charters, called Indian Governments,[Band Council elective system], legally defined, are Autonomy Governments which comes from the Greek [Autosnomous-Self Rule,] legally means a Self-Governing state, community or group, subject to another Supreme Sovereignty. This type of system has omitted the true Landlord of the Territories, who are the Women of the Clans.
Billy Joe's tribal law teacher KNOWS that this is THE LAST CALL. We need to wake up and become legal 'SIGNATORY INDIANS' again, in order to preserve and protect 'LEGALLY' the future of our 'INDIAN CHILDREN and INDIAN TERRITORIES'. Please visit our upcoming site SIGNATORYINDIANS dot calm and/or 'Myspace.com/tribal law teachings' for more info.
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