ah, fashion, music, shopping, magazines, dogs, the random "cute boy" day phenomenon, tim's sense of humor, interiors, travel (to cities), my sister's jewelry line, my mother's paintings, my grandmother's uncanny ability to always win at gin rummy, ooh, tim's cooking, cashmere, fur, shagreen furniture.
ayn rand, anna wintour, matthew perry again, michael chabon, vladimir nabokov, michael ondaatje, brandi carlisle, that third dolce model from the right.View All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment
brandi carlisle, mark ronson, maroon 5 (sorry. true.), rufus madonna xtina. (that was the gay gay gay section), martha argerich, keith jarrett, i dunno, more, come on, we all have ipods and too much on them.
american beauty, in the mood for love, hong kong shuffle, horseman on the roof, blue, the piano (for tim), chinatown, the thin man (all seven of them).
buffy, alias, shows where chicks kick ass. in heels. and the boys don't wear much. and might be vampires, heroes cause, lost. well, lost last season, i kind of stopped.
the source by michener, atlas shrugged, now it's time to say goodbye, the adventures of kavalier and klay, around the house and in the garden.
i don't have many heroes.