THE BLOCK!!! is a noise, plunderphonics, sampling, and experimental project designed to express the desire to create something with sound, be it good and steady or not. As of late, THE BLOCK!!! has been wavering into the world of beats and ambience and has recently posted a new song on this website, just for your enjoyment.
THE BLOCK!!! was started some time around 2002 and since that time, it has been an on and off project and at the time of this writing, THE BLOCK!!! is currently in talks to release a new album of material this summer.
THE BLOCK!!!'s previous releases include a self-titled mini EP and two collaboration albums with Hoth(e); The Superflous Undertaking and Icebox Blueprint- of which an amazing 5 copies were distributed to just friends! In other words, no one has, or ever will, buy this amazing music. Nor is it the intent to sell it. This music is free to all those wish to enjoy it and that is THE BLOCK!!!'s philosophy.
At any rate, that's it for now. Thanks for stopping by and I hope that you enjoy your stay here.
Most importantly, ENJOY THIS MUSIC!!!