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The Assembly Line "The A Team" are three musicians with common ideas and goals that came together as one. Summer Fitch aka Sumero Uno is the "Voice" of the Team. Her talents stretch from writing and playing keyboard to producing, arranging and mixing. Her weapons of choice are the Korg Triton Studio and a microphone. She is a student of the game and knows her way around the studio. If this were a game of basketball she would be the point guard. Crystal Leary aka Choc A Latte is the songwriter as well as overseer of projects. She IS Quality Control. Either she likes it or she doesn't. There is no middle ground for her. Her Weapon of Choice is a pen and a pad. Charles Covington aka Chuckie Busa is the Producer, Arranger and Mixologist. He dabbles in a wide variety of things in the studio from laying the beats, turntablism to collaborating with musicians to bring the proper elements together. His weapon of choice is anything with a record button. We respect each others ideas as well as reinforce each others talents. We never hesitate to pass the rock to an open teamate. We play to win. The A-Team’s mission is to create and share the soul of our music with our listeners. We want to give you classic songs of substance, something that you will remember. “The Assembly Line†It describes exactly how we create – We all do our part in the process to efficiently and most creatively produce compositions and songs that you can feel and relate to! As Jay Z said "Sometimes you have to leave the door open in the studio and let God in." We not only believe that to be true, we have experienced it. When we hit the studio magical things happen. Although we are not always in the lab at the same time we are always together mentally and spiritually. We each put our hands on some facet of our production to bring our UNIQUE elements together. When something hits the Assembly we work it from start to finish….All we ask is that you meet us at the end of the belt."We love it when a plan comes together."