Last year I moved out of hurricane country (Miami)and got married and moved to Chicago. I can't remember in which order but it all got done.?
Myspace Layouts and SO much more from! ♥
Blowing shit up. This is going to get me on some terror watch list.(Thanks Callie) I also enjoy playing in the celing of any building that will let me past security.
Fan Man(the guy with the parachute fan)and the guy who thought up the potato gun.
The stripper song. Bon Scott AC/DC
Silent french films that end with the word "Fin". There are not enough movies with ninja fights anymore. I'll also take a knife fight or a car chase. Roadhouse is an exeption to both of these. I have never seen a zombie movie that I din't like, even the horrible ones.
mythbusters Robot Chicken
how the Scots invented the modern world. anything involving structural engineering (riveting).
George Carlin. Jerry Fallwell