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kun byams- freedom for tibetans

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Pilgrimage for peace

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What does Tibet mean to you? A distant land, "the roof of the world", an unattanaible destination, a Buddhist paradise? It is our challenge, our resolution to discover this question for ourselves, through travel, experiences and exploration of this unique, but often overlooked culture.
Although we are in the first stages of planning our journey, these following points entail the things we hope to achieve in the months ahead...

* Meet our local MP, surrounding our beliefs on the Tibetan issue.

* Write letters to the current Chinese Government, 10 Downing Street, United Nations.

* Organise travel details, visas, permits etc.

* Fundraise. Anybody have any useful ideas?

* Do further research on Tibetan culture, history, the political situation and their future...

We are both university students at UWA, studying Drama (Mia) and International Relations (Michael). We both share a passion for travelling and the issue of Tibet strikes a chord with us, politically we believe in the freedom of humanity, and become continually inspired by those that never lose faith in a peaceful future. Tibetan people are such people, although their freedom and well being is questionable. We are not a charity, we are firm in our support of Tibet, and in our admiration for the people of Tibet. We are determined to journey to experience this for ourselves, and paint a picture for the UK Government.

In the words of the Dalai Lama; "...We live in times of rapid change throughout the world... I believe that my strictly non-violent approachm entailing constructive dialogue and negotiation, will ultimately attract effective support and sympathy from within the Chinese community. In the meantime, I am also convinced that as more people visit Tibet, the numbers of those who support the justice of a peaceful solution will grow."

(Extract from the Preface in the "Lonely Planet" guide to Tibet, 15/09/2004).

"For Tibet With Love", by Isabel Losada.(Michael read this book several years ago, before passing it onto me, it has inspired both of us, and was one of my first introductions to the complex situation of Tibet).
"Led by Destiny, hitchiking around the world", by Kinga Freespirit.
"The Valley of Adventure", Enid Blyton.
"One Planet" by Lonely Planet.
"Narnia, or any book with photos of this beautiful world and the beautiful creatures who reside here."

Part of the liberty project (www.myspace.com/libertyproject)

Heroes: Superman. Come on, we all wish we could fly. Seriously? People who aren't afraid. People who can wake up and see their dreams come true. People who aren't afraid to make a difference. Who stand up for what they truely believe in. But mostly, I deeply admire the people that can support the causes and interests that they have a passion for. Also people that can listen to criticism, smile, nod, then move on to follow their heart... These are the people who are truly living

Article 19 From Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers

.. " .. " .. " .. " .. " .. ".

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Article 19 From Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Article 19. Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas throug...
Posted by on Tue, 23 Jan 2007 14:14:00 GMT

Freedom House Report on Tibet 2006

  Tibet [China] (2006) --> #country_table td { background-color: #C5CED7; float: left; width: 130px; } #country_table p { padding: 0px; font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-se...
Posted by on Tue, 23 Jan 2007 14:11:00 GMT