Neurotic, paranoid and somewhat hysterical nerd guy here. I love opera and I love fucking.. lol.
okok. on to serious matters. I am a recent transplant to the States, hailing all the way from the 3rd world. Yes folks, the mystical, mythical, mysterious lands of the east, where evil and witchcraft are parts of everyday life!
I like to take pleasure in the simpler things in life like walking leisurely and talking about how the lady in front should wear a girdle coz her grammy panties are so embossed on her sweat pants that seem to be made of stretch know..the kind that sasha cohen and michelle kwan wears.
philanthropy intrigues me. apathy angers me. lust attracts me. art inspires me. love sustains me.
Truth be told, I am 108 years old and lurv watching the Home Shopping Network.
I need to purge the fat off my body. PERMANENTLY.
..What am I? I'm obviously human...
I like friends, politics, government, children, debate over a hot cup o' cocoa, a fine glass of wine, champagne and vodka, french, Star Trek Voyager, and opera..good old conservative opera.. lol.
Background from Yahoo search result