Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor
WHAT I LiKE:i am iNtO shoPPing.the maLL is liKe my sacred grOund.i just love it..i Love takinG picx listening tO mUsic.LauGhinG aT the stUpidest thIngs eVer...HATES:First of aLl i dnT think dt iz a harSH worD. i meaN itZ like itS JUst ya nO cuZ LiKe 8 piSSes me oFf so mUcH daTs y i hate iT.i haTe wannaBes faKe or two faceD peOple **** taLkers peOple hU thiNk deY r"ALL THAT" biTcheS..ActuaLLy nO coz iM a maJor biTcH pLayerS SlUTS iNconsiDeraTe peoPle.aNd so i haTe peOple hU oNLi sIDes w/ 1persOn wiThOut eveN listeNing 2d otHer siDe dT iz soo reTardeD.On d odr haNd Im sOO judgemeNtaL i haTe it wen peoPle get sOo annOying.Itz Lyk 'sHuT the **** Up aLready damnit!' i haTe 8 weN Like ppoL staRt **** wiT me..its lyK wTF iz uR mOtHafucKIn prObLeM u duMbaSs retarted biTch?i meaN seriOusLy.i caNNot stanD it weN peOple staRt tIreD of ppL saYing wut dey wNt about me.Y caNt they back up oFF me?oH and i hate it wen ppL try 2haRd its Lyk chiLL piLL.. Custom Contact TablesGot My Cursor @