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The Fresh


About Me

About The Fresh Club
Imagine… The Fresh…A place where you can forget about the everyday troubles of reality, a place that keeps you charged with absolute positive energy. No doubt about it, this place would be original! Here you will find only the coolest of urban music's beats, with a tight blend of the old skool beats! Your senses will be lifted by the atmosphere of our modern rhythm and designs!
.. Throughout this imaginery experience, you've pictured the interior of The Fresh- one of the best clubsin Warsaw. We're able to create this unique climate, as music staysour priority. It's the main strength of the club and our passion thatwe love to share with our guests. Artists performing in The Freshserve fans of R&B, FUNK, SOUL, HIP-HOP, REGGAE, and DANCEHALL mixes ofthe best quality. Among our resident-DJs, you may find famous spinnerslike: DJ.Kostek, DJ.Haem, DJ.Macu, DJ Noz, DJ Panda, DJ.600V.
The interesting thing about this club is that besides hot regular club nights The Fresh changes very often into a concert venue. The Fresh is the place where legendary hip-hop artist from US performed for the very first time in Poland. Thanks to The Fresh polish fans were delighted to be part of the live shows of KURTIS BLOW, KRS ONE, METHOD MAN, M.O.P., DJ.KOOL, ROB SWIFT.
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For those who value both good music and comfort, relax! Our cluboffers nice, soft sofas and the cosy chillout room. When it comes to ourmenu, it will satisfy your taste for exotic and colourful cocktails. Our baris stocked with a varierty of carefully selected alcohols and served byprofessional and friendly bartenders, the standard of The Fresh. It's worth to underlineuniqueness of colours and animations which are the result of the hard workof the visualization crew. Moreover, at The Fresh parties you may feeltotally safe thanks to our discreet and well-trained security service. More importantly,our polite, but still firm, door-selection guarantees the right atmosphere in the club.
.. ..Despite this thorough explanation, we still cannot convey The Freshexperience! The only way is to come over and check it yourself, or with a group of friends!The club is situated in the city centre on the area of Skra stadium.It's not easy to get there, but you owe it to yourself to explore itsmagic!
.. .. ..

My Interests

Club The Fresh
ul. Wawelska 5
02-034 Warsaw

email: [email protected]
tel. +48.22.380.15.80
fax. +48.22.380.15.90


Download The Fresh Mixtape Vol. 2

Download The Fresh Mixtape Vol. 1


M.O.P. at The Fresh

Method Man at The Fresh

Rob Swift at The Fresh

KRS ONE at The Fresh

DJ KOOL at The Fresh

DJ600V Pezet Mes Malolat Ero - W klub idziemy

My Blog

Uliczne Esperanto

W tym tygodniu klub The Fresh przygotowal az dwa koncerty! Juz w srode na scenie wystapi De Goldfinger, czyli Charles Ezeude, wspoltworca NBP  Natural Born Playaz z Londynu, ktory swoj wlasny styl ok...
Posted by The Fresh on Mon, 19 Nov 2007 03:16:00 PST

Come on! It’s a Saturday night!

Juz w czwartek 15 listopada na scenie klubu The Fresh zagraja az trzy zespoly hip-hopowe! O prawdziwy warszawski rap zadbaja: EmazetProcent, THS Klika i Malolat. To nie wszystko - sprawdz tez jaki bed...
Posted by The Fresh on Mon, 12 Nov 2007 04:54:00 PST

Przygotuj sie !

Przygotuj sie na czwartkowy, premierowy koncert Pezeta, a w weekend powrot wielkich DJow do The Fresh!..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />   Juz 8. listopada,...
Posted by The Fresh on Mon, 05 Nov 2007 04:00:00 PST

Czy lubisz "Muzyke Rozrywkowa" ?

Wpadnij na najprawdziwsze, Czarne Halloween!..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />   Nie zastanawiaj sie dluzej! Klub The Fresh rozwiazal wlasnie wszystkie Twoj...
Posted by The Fresh on Mon, 29 Oct 2007 05:34:00 PST

Wszystkiego najlepszego Grubazku !

Przywitaj weekend w wielkim stylu! ..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />  Juz w ten czwartek w The Fresh Wielkie Otwarcie Sezonu Rozgrywek Akademickich, czyli ...
Posted by The Fresh on Wed, 24 Oct 2007 01:45:00 PST

Dlugi, pazdziernikowy weekend imprezowy oraz final WBW 2007 w klubie The Fresh!

Jesli dlugie weekendy kojarza Ci sie tylko ze sloneczna majowka, to pora zmienic przyzwyczajenia, poniewaz zbliza sie... dlugi weekend pazdziernikowy! To co przygotowal dla Ciebie najlepszy klub stoli...
Posted by The Fresh on Mon, 15 Oct 2007 02:54:00 PST

Najlepsi DJe z calej Polski juz w ten weekend w klubie The Fresh!

Jesli masz jeszcze watpliwosci czym zwienczyc kolejny pazdziernikowy tydzien, to nie mysl dluzej, poczatek weekendu trzeba celebrowac... naprawde dobra impreza! A najlepsze imprezy sa oczywiscie w klu...
Posted by The Fresh on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 03:04:00 PST

Otwiramy sezon imprezowy !!!

Gdy definitywnie koncza sie wakacje, do zycia powolywanych jest kilka innych nie mniej atrakcyjnych okresow. Rok akademicki - tutaj akurat nie ma co sie cieszyc, oraz... sezon imprezowy! Nie ma lepsze...
Posted by The Fresh on Fri, 05 Oct 2007 07:46:00 PST

Tlusto, Damsko, Maxxxymalnie !!!

Mamy nadzieje, ze juz ochloneliscie po ostatnim weekendzie, weekendzie ktory zaserwowalismy Wam kilka specjalnych atrakcji poniewaz kolejny weekend zapowiada sie rownie mocno.  Taneczny Tlusty cz...
Posted by The Fresh on Mon, 24 Sep 2007 01:49:00 PST

Najblizszy tydzien w The Fresh, R&B, Hip-Hop, Rap i Koszykówka !

20. wrzesnia /czwartek/TLUSTY CZWARTEKDJ.600VDJ.HUBSON..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> Czwartkowe wieczory w The Fresh juz od dluzszego czasu rozkrecane sa prz...
Posted by The Fresh on Mon, 17 Sep 2007 02:45:00 PST